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2020/12/23 KIWC Xmas Party
2020/12/26 06:42:23瀏覽683|回應0|推薦5

2020/12/23 KIWC Xmas Party


(台上)6:20主持人開場 MC opening


Emma: I dress up like a Xmas tree, Because tonight KIWC Christmas party is the highest and most joyous night in Kaohsiung .


Jessica & Emma: Give me an X give me a M give me an Agive me a SMerry Xmas Jessica搭配動作



大家一起: 左邊貴賓KIWC!右邊貴賓KIWC!中間貴賓KIWC! 大家一起高喊KIWC!



Jessica:『唐氏症天公仔愛心園』是由一群唐氏症寶寶組成的,成長過程中,感恩老師和家長們的永不放棄,每一個音、每個節奏、每個肢體動作慢慢的教導,不知經多少次的不斷學習與努力練習,在歡笑與淚水中成長和進步。吳理事長告訴我們:20多年前他們這些志工家長都是唐氏症關愛者協會出來的,自立更生 成立訓練班教導學員們有一技之長,考街頭藝人表演証照, 讓這些唐寶寶能走得更長遠,父母年邁後, 能自給自足

Emma: Chairman Wu told us: more than 20 years ago, their volunteer parents were all from the "Down’s Syndrome Caring Association". They relied on their own and set up training classes to teach students skills to gain the street performers’ certificates and let them be able to stand on their own while parents get old.


Emma: Let’s welcome the Down Syndrome Foundation’s drumming performance



(6:50球隊表演跳舞 Golf team performs dancing(10)

Jessica: 我們一起來歡迎多才多藝的KIWC高爾夫球隊所帶來的舞蹈表演

Emma: Let’s welcome versatile golf team’s dance performances.


1.     蔣品茵

2.     王耀芳

3.     蔡鳳惠

4.     毛怡晴

5.     翁妍妍

6.     吳貞



Jessia: KIWC高爾夫球隊表演的好精采喔請給予熱烈掌聲也給他們幾分鐘照相留念吧2分鐘給團員拍照

Emma: Isn’t it marvelous, let’s give them a big ovation and some minutes to take a shot!




Emma:Speech by President Christine of KIWC


7:05介紹我們的貴賓: Introduce VIP介紹貴賓時請合唱團在舞台旁準備


1.     Jessica:貴賓介紹-社會局人團科 王同選股長

Emma:Let’s welcome our VIP-Human Group Chief of Social Affairs Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government- Tongxuan Wang

2.     Jessica:美國商會 愛德華 會長

Emma: Let’s welcome American Chamber of Commerce- Kaohsiung President

Brian Aiello Edward

3.     Jessica:美國商會黃君豪先生&寶淨科技有限公司 總經理,感恩贊助防護殺菌液給每位與會嘉賓,會場入口時大家是否都拿到了呢?請大家給點掌聲表達感謝喔.

Emma: Let’s welcome the Am Cham Kaohsiung representative and General Manager of Bao Clean Technology Co. Ltd. Joseph Huang, thank you again for his kind donation of disinfectant spray to all the participants.

4.      Jessica:美國商會Joss Su &Nancy 賢伉儷

Emma: Let’s welcome the Am Cham Kaohsiung representatives, Mr Su and Mrs. Su.

5.      Jessica:美國學校執行長夫人卜睿宜

Emma:Let’s welcome Mrs. CEO of KAS- Torey Ploeger

6.      Jessica:美國學校董事Susana Yeh

Emma:Let’s welcome the director of KAS Susana Yeh

7.      Jessica: 高雄市愛樂協會吳淑珍會長

Emma:Let’s welcome the Chairman Wu Shuzhen, Kaohsiung City Philharmonic Association


7:10合唱團表演歌劇魅影 Choir performs the Phantom of the Opera(10)

Jessica: 不受疫情影響,全球唯一百老匯音樂劇已在台北演出歌劇魅影,我們何等幸運能聽到KIWC歌劇魅影,唯一在高雄巨蛋演出,讓我們再次歡迎KIWC 合唱團出場

Emma: Unaffected by the epidemic, the only Broadway musical "The Phantom of the Opera" had been played in Taipei ,we are so lucky to hear the “The phantom of the Opera” of KIWC Choir only here in Kaohsiung. Let’s give our KIWC Choir a big hand

to perform” the Phantom of the Opera”.



2老師:謝宜蓁 老師

3總會長&團長:郭敏貞 女士

副團長:沈銘琴 女士



1.     洪曼玲

2.     齊蕙欣

3.     陳麗芷

4.     姚瑱真

5.     葉易婕

6.     蔡易伶

7.     朱瑋宜


1.     郭敏貞

2.     劉麗梅

3.     宋麗萍

4.     熊美玲

5.     沈銘琴

6.     廖美容

7.     白芬芳





Jessica:聽完這歌劇魅影真是意猶未盡呀讓我們以熱烈掌聲表達感動吧! 請給這精采表演的美麗團隊留下美麗回憶喔!2分鐘給團員拍照

Emma: What an unchained melody , atmosphere reach climax, let us express our deepest appreciation with warm applause and give them some minutes to take photos!

7:20樂團演奏 Orchestra Live-Band Performance

Emma:Can you sing Xmas Carol?妳會唱個聖誕歌嗎?

Jessica: 兩隻老虎跑得快跑得快.

Emma: That’s not Xmas Carol, let’s welcome our Orchestra Party I Live-Band from Tainan to sing for us. The vocalist is A-sya.

Jessica:我不會唱聖誕歌還是請樂團表演吧!歡迎台南來的Party i 樂團出場,由阿霞主唱


7:30會長開舞Let’s enjoy President Christine’s First Dance

Jessica: 會長開舞

Emma: Let’s enjoy President Christine’s First Dance


會長:歡迎Party i 樂團繼續為我們演奏


7:40-8:20樂團演奏 Orchestra Live-Band Performance


8:20-8:40第一階段摸彩15 Lucky Draw for 15 presents at the first round


Emma: Welcome our President Christine to draw the lucky drafts.


8:40-9:00樂團演奏 Orchestra Live-Band Performance

Jessica: 樂團演奏

Emma: Orchestra Live-Band Performance


9:00-9:20第二階段摸彩10 Lucky Draw for 10 presents at the second round


Emma: Welcome our President Christine to draw the lucky drafts.



9:30晚會圓滿結束 可隨當時情境結束


Emma:May the glow of Christmas candle fill your heart with peace, health and pleasure and make your New Year bright. Have a love filled Christmas and New Year of 2021!

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