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2020/04/08 14:37:32瀏覽661|回應0|推薦4 | |
KIWC 各位姐妹: 大家平安健康🙏🏼🙏🏼 自從武漢肺炎疫情發生至今,已迅速擴散至全球,我國政府在中央疫情指揮中心帶領之下,啓動國家隊伍分工合作,全國人民上下一心,人人做好防疫控管工作,對抗病毒當下,在第一波考驗算是繳交漂亮的成績單! 近日由於歐美國家,災情慘重,台灣面對第二波病毒侵襲,疫情相當嚴峻,第一線防護人員監守崗位,守護全民健康,國人不能給政府添亂,作為社會成員一份子,我們應當配合政府措施,減少群聚社交場合,倡導非常時期不出國,在防疫期間,KIWC理監事會決議,取消4月份例會,以確保各位安全健康為首要! 值此疫情延燒時期,請各位姐妹保重身體,共體時艱,因為我們對抗的是一個難以捉摸隱形的敵人,大家深居簡出,全民抗肺炎,共同渡難關,繼續加油,戰勝病毒! 祝 闔家安康 會長 敏貞 Dear all, Hope everyone is staying Safe and healthy. Since the outbreak of Corona Virus, the pandemic has rapidly spread to the world and many countries have suffered severe disasters. Under the leadership of the NHCC, everyone is hanging together and doing a great job of self-controlling to fight the virus, we have shown unity and strength in the first wave of challenges . As we know ,front-line medical workers have been busy in protecting the health of all citizens, they are physically and mentally exhausted , as a member of the society,we should be obedient in epidemic prevention of minimize gathering and advocate not going abroad during this unusual time,Kiwc boardmenbers decided to cancel the April general meeting as its our top priority to ensure your safety and health. Sisters, please take good care of yourselves ,due to we are fighting an invisible enemy who is hard to capture,also do make a concerted effort to endure and overcome the hardships. Hang in there, lets fight the virus together. wishing you all well, President Christine |
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