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Education Talks
2013/05/09 22:43:48瀏覽601|回應6|推薦34

Trends in Higher Education  

Top Trends in Higher Education  

What's on the Horizon in Higher Education  

The Horizon Report Key Trends:

1. People expect to be able to work, learn, and study whenever and wherever they want to.

2. The technologies we use are increasingly cloud-based, and our notions of IT support are decentralized.

3. The world of work is increasingly collaborative, driving changes in the way student projectsare structured.

4. The abundance of resources and relationships made easily accessible via the Internet is increasingly challenging us to revisit our roles as educators.

5. Education paradigms are shifting to include online learning, hybrid learning and collaborative models.

6. There is a new emphasis in the classroom on more challenge-based learning and similar methods foster, which more active learning experiences, both inside and outside the classroom.

Texas Governor Rick Perry has an idea about how to run higher education institutions. He earned his undergraduate degree from Texas A&M University, College Station.

His idea at NPR  

There's a debate across the country over how well universities are preparing graduates for the real world, and whether colleges should operate more like businesses (students are customers, and professors are sales). That debate is particularly heated in Texas, where Gov. Rick Perry wants big changes at state colleges, including the flagship University of Texas (UT-Austin).

TED Talks Education  

As a country, how can we better inspire our students -- and support

our educators? To explore ideas, TED, WNET, PBS and the

Corporation for Public Broadcasting have teamed up for a

brand-new one-hour special, funded by

 "American Graduate: Let's Make It Happen." 

TED Talks Education is an exhilarating night of talks hosted by John Legend. 

Promo panel image

Didn't get to watch TED Talks Education on PBS last night? No worries! There are two ways to watch now:

1. See the webcast of the show on PBS: 

2. Posted full-length versions of talks from the show on TED.com. See much more than you got to see on air:

Want to talk about something you saw on the show? Join the conversation on TED.com: 

( 時事評論教育文化 )
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山楓 @ 薪火相傳
Ted Education Talk
2013/05/14 15:11

Finished watching Ted Education Talk this morning.  It is a very inspiring film.  Shared it on my Facebook with colleagues and friends.  

I especially like the Hispanic young lady who went back to serve the community she escaped from, she said "I hope people like me are no longer exception, but the norm."

Bill Gate's brief presentation was good, too.  He said: "America is number one in failing in all areas of education." (I don't remember his exact words, but it something like that.)

AL(rabbitdog) 於 2013-05-14 19:29 回覆:
開心(ㄏㄏ、ㄎ、哈)Thank you. TED is a great site to visit regularly. Your Summer announcement: no homework yet lots of joyful hiking. 

山楓 @ 薪火相傳
2013/05/13 14:08

2013/05/10 16:48
AL(rabbitdog) 於 2013-05-10 21:51 回覆:
Idea was evolved from MOOC movement , a higher education online learning trend. Studies of cost and benefits of online learning are in.

2013/05/10 12:13

德州Perry卅長提出大學四年學費一萬美元搞定 雜費如何收 沒提 

評估大學教授的方法很"奇特" 不知誰給他出的點子

The idea
2013/05/10 03:42

Of labeling professors according to how much profit they brought to school is awful!

imagine how much pressure the professors with red tags would feel. They would not focus on the students anymore.


AL(rabbitdog) 於 2013-05-10 07:57 回覆:
Not sure where Perry got "HIS" idea from.  He is character. His ideas are often entertaining yet not practical. 
AL(rabbitdog) 於 2013-05-10 11:54 回覆:
I meant he is "a" character. 

2013/05/10 00:08
AL(rabbitdog) 於 2013-05-10 01:06 回覆:
not sure why. sorry.