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2013/07/12 12:00:09瀏覽203|回應0|推薦1 | |
Today, I found two of my friends, who were once my best friends ever, getting married on February and June respectively. Surprisely, I don't feel sad or something. I understand I have been erased from their lives and memories, and I understand they felt confused while I didn't keep in touch with them in purpose. I understand I looked childish to be irritated by two friends who had no longer realized me but judged me. I thought, I think, It doesn't matter you have no longer realized me, since we have been seperated and didn't get along with each other for many years. However, while all your judgements, comments to me, were derived from your distrust, It Matters. Moreover, I could obviously feel that you had no longer cared about me even if you tried to make this happen. When your best friends start to socialize you, and you found that you have become parts of their social lives, It Hurts. Every time we met each other, I felt insincere, superficial about your attitude. You have no longer the one I met, and probably I am not the one you met either. Did I set a high standard for you? Yes. That's because I considered you as my best friends, not ordinary ones. However, while I realized I had become the ordinary one in your lives, I thought our friendship was dispensable. Having ordinary (fair-weather) friends who are glad to play with you or socialize you without truly concern is extremely easy. You may or may not exist, it doesn't matter. I realize you don't care about how I feel anymore. You have moved on without me. I'm moving on without you either, even though you might still live in my memory somewhere. Thank you for letting me know, our friendship is so disposable. and Thank you for proving, what human's true colors are. ----The last letter dedicate to my friends, 維特萱 and Nids. |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |