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where is the life ?
2006/05/09 15:19:39瀏覽93|回應0|推薦1

tell me

where is this life you dream of ?

where will you find it ?


do you know ?

will you find this life ?

in a beautiful home beyond a wealthered split rail fence lining a road visible

only to those you hold dear ?

will you find this life ?

behind the brilliant stained glass of a kichen window in a farmhouse older than time,

sitting at the table with those who love you most ?

will you find this life ?

out in the center of nowhere , standing alone and free , as silent as silence itself,

neighboring only peace serenity , and bliss ?

will you find this life ?

laying bare , underneath a midnight - blue sky ---- starlight brighter then daylight ,

with the warmth of a hand in yours ?

where is the life ?

will you find it ?

could it be here already ?

do you know ................?

( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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