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show you something ........show you everything
2006/05/08 08:32:35瀏覽117|回應0|推薦2

come here ,

I want to show you something .......

I want to show you everything .......

I want to show you my radiance

I want to shine my light

directly into you

I want you to feel it burn

right through to the core of you

and as I am fully illuminated ,

I want you to melt

into the warmth of me ,

to bathe in my glow ,

to recognize my pureness ,

my innocence , forever untouched ,

never defiled .

look closely now ...............

here , my authenticity is exalted

this is where you will see the real me

I want to show you my darkness

I want to pull you

into my delths and wrap

my suffocating void around you

at the bottom of my well ,

I want you to witness

my excavation

as I overturn every stone

by it's most jagged edge ,

I want you to hear my nervous laughter

as it rips through the flesh

of my delicate fingertips

I want you to see my cry

as my blood spills

back into the earth

look closely now ...............

here , my authenticity is rooted

here is where you will see the real me

and when

I stand in the light

of a new evolution , please

don't shield my eyes





and when I crawl under the porch to die ,

please don't reach your hand through the lattice ,

frantically searching for a leg to pull

just take off your shoes

get on your knees

and crawl in next to me


don't have to do


just be



be with me as I live

be with me as I die

come here

I want to show you something ...............

I want to show you everything ..................

( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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