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2020/10/04 12:11:54瀏覽654|回應1|推薦14 | |
9/27/2020 一杯濁酒喜相逢 吾髮亦白矣 仍戀秋月,仍慕春風 雖糟粕滾滾,飲者默默 信人間猶有佳釀存 (今將李子酒檸檬酒濾去糟粕,更瓶再釀,並以小杯取濁醪淺酌之。色艷而味甘,雖非蘭陵美酒,亦頗得玉碗琥珀之意)。 ~此岸的彼岸~ ------------------------------------------------ 9/21/2020 抱著酒壇子踉蹌而行,謂之「醉」。 ------------------------------------------------ 9/20/2020 止則操卮執觚,動則挈榼提壺。唯酒是務,焉知其餘。~ 劉伶,酒德頌 From left to right: * 1st lemon wine, racked * 2nd lemon wine in secondary fermentation (with a bag of lemon zest and raisins to add flavor) * Limoncello (just started; lemon zest in 100 proof vodka) * Plum wine (1st fermentation in a bucket) ------------------------------------------------ 9/12/2020 今天把第一次釀的檸檬酒換桶,開始第二階段發酵。 Siphoned my 1st homemade lemon wine to a new carboy to start the 2nd fermentation today. 試喝了半杯,哇,好強!從我的醺然程度判斷,酒精濃度至少超過10%. I drank a half cup of the half product - it was unexpectedly strong😮😁! The taste is not great (yet) but there is no doubt lots of alcohol. The hydrometer sank right to 0.990 sg, so I thought it was malfunctioning at first; but judging from the warm and dizzy feeling I was getting I deduced that the hydrometer worked just fine. (I lacked the reading before fermentation necessary to calculate ABV, but I guess it must be over 10%). 第二階段發酵結果如何,得邊走邊瞧。同時我開始釀第二桶。 Ill have to wait and see how the 2nd fermentation proceeds. In the meantime I started another batch. I ordered and learned stuff from Winemakers Depot. Its a great one-stop service. |
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