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2019/03/31 09:34:31瀏覽583|回應0|推薦12 | |
~ A tribute to Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve
I woke up and searched for words worthy of the elixir of California early spring I gulped yesterday. I found Frost. https://www.poets.org/poetsorg/poem/thawing-wind. He spoke To the Thawing Wind. There is no snow to thaw in California, or, is there not? Now let me try to find an echo with a poor translation: 來吧,呼嘯的西南風,帶著雨來! 歌者也來,巢者也來; 深埋的花根旁邊,埋一個夢; 讓凝固的雪堆蒸騰; 穿透白色,掘出棕色的土層。 但不論你今夜做什麽工, 莫忘刷洗我的窗櫺,讓它流動, 當融冰滔滔而下。 融去玻璃,留下枝條, 那隱者的十架。 來吧,呼嘯的西南風, 奔入我的陋室, 搖晃墻上的圖畫, 沙沙地翻亂書頁; 把詩集撒了一地, 把詩人趕出門出。 |
( 創作|詩詞 ) |