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My heartbreak can be made into a movie!!!
2010/10/22 08:06:57瀏覽291|回應1|推薦0

I can't believe it...

Long distance friendship..

1. Love by not at first sight
2. keep in contact via email, chat, phone
3. become closer
4. girl likes boy
5. boy not really attracted to girl
6. but..boy becomes more attach to girl after seeing a different side of girl
7. girl starts to worry, getting older
8. boy dense..no really think about her in that way
9. girl tells boy hey co-working hitting on me
10. boy say why you leave the door open
11. girl starts to go out with new guy
12 boy starts to sense the relationship is changing..txt msg not being answered
     phone calls too
13. boy ask girl where did u go..oh company function...with new guy
14. boy says what..he is only my friend
15. boy checks out facebook..what new guy profile picture is with girl
16. boy starts to worry....but why? the true feelings surfaces that
boy loves girl
17. girl decides to take a trip to visit boy
18. boy senses something is wrong...
19. girl arrives..boy happy and falls for her more..the attraction begins
20. boy takes girl to places dearest to heart..
21. boy tells girl he will miss her very much when she goes back
22. girl flies back home
23. boy is sad..calls girl up...tell her how he really feels
24. girl said why only now
25. boy said because the other guy makes me realize how important to me you are
26. boy express his loves to girl
27. girl not sure...new guy may be the one
28. boy sends girls flowers - flower arrives when girl is with new guy
29. new guy is shocked..what am i going to do now?
30. new guy tells her i love you and want to marry you
31. girl is thinking
32. teddy bear arrives with love letter
33. girl feels guilty and calls boy
34. girl says i have to tell you i will go with new guy
35. boy cries and pleads to girl please..don't do this..why???
36. boy ask girl why did you come..girl says i needed h ow you felt for me.
37. girl turns cold
38. boy is devastated

39. girl says lets continue our friendship
40. boy is stunned doesnt know what to do
41. when friends cross the line..things change..
42. boy backs off and waits to see if anything will change in future

( 心情隨筆愛戀物語 )
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2010/10/24 10:44