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2021/11/28 17:02:29瀏覽106|回應0|推薦1 | |
Title:The cold earth slept below By: Percy Bysshe Shelley 題:沉睡的冰冷大地 譯者:Iris Ng艾麗絲
(一) The cold earth slept below, Above the cold sky shone, And all around,with a chilling sound, From caves of ice and fields of snow, The breath of night like death did flow, Beneath the sinking moon.
底下冰冷的大地沉睡著, 上方冰冷的天空閃耀著, 周圍彌漫著令人不寒而慄的聲音, 那是來自冰封山谷與佈滿白雪草原的聲音, 夜裏流淌著近乎死亡氣息, 在西沉的月光下。
(二) The wintry hedge was black, The green grass was not seen, The birds did rest on the bare thorn's bresat, Whose roots,beside the pathway track, Had bound their folds o'er many a crack Whick the frost had made between.
冬天的樹籬暗淡無光, 看不見綠色的草原, 鳥兒只能在光禿禿的荊棘上歇息, 根,依據著小徑的軌道攀去, 在裂縫與霜雪之間摺叠交錯。
(三) Thine eyes glow’d in the glare Of the moon’s dying light; As a fen-fire’s beam On a sluggish stream Gleams dimly—so the moon shone there, And it yellow’d the strings of thy tangled hair, That shook in the wind of night.
你的眼睛閃耀著熾熱的光芒, 在即將逝去的月光下, 猶如火焰般; 在緩慢的溪流中, 朦朧的微光-在那月亮照耀的地方, 你那紛亂的髮絲猶如澄黃色的弦, 在夜風中抖動著。
(四) The moon made thy lips pale, beloved; The wind made thy bosom chill; The night did shed On thy dear head Its frozen dew, and thou didst lie Where the bitter breath of the naked sky Might visit thee at will.
月亮蒼白了你的唇,親愛的; 風冷凍了你的心; 夜色籠罩著, 在親愛你的頭頂上, 結冰的露珠,與你的謊言, 讓赤裸的天空充斥著苦澀的氣息 不斷徘徊。 |
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