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Modish formal dresses 2016 online
2016/04/14 18:26:52瀏覽327|回應0|推薦0

For the third edition of the new Collections of ready-to-wear 2016 organized annually in Villegly, the great crowd was present to attend a magnificent "monstra" of smart clothes under the aegis of hairdresser Villegly of Séverine and Karine Coiffure of Caunes-Minervois. A fashion show in which, and with the participation of beautiful models amateurs as Miss Narbonne 2015, Miss Képi Blanc 2015 and Miss Carcassonne 2016, the public has appreciated and extensively applauded Mariage.com shop dresses creations and new collections of Captain turtle, as spring and summer outfits, evening dresses including.

Une collection de vêtements très «classe».

short formal dresses

Dressesmall Persun Chic Long one Shoulder Formal Evening Dress

Photo:Green formal dress shops


During this show, a raffle was organized to win many prizes offered by local merchants. The evening ended in an excellent atmosphere by a paella concocted by the Comité des fêtes of the village. Congratulations to the organizers and volunteers for this beautiful show and next year. See more formal dresses here.

( 休閒生活時尚流行 )
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