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Rainbow Skirt- no3 sewing from fabric gift box
2016/11/21 19:01:16瀏覽483|回應0|推薦10

 Wrapped circle wool skirt


Free size no worry on your waist line. It all wrapped well

 Cut a Rainbow circle on folded fabric will do.




5. Wool plaid woven 31nt per meter

i used 2.5 meters so 31ntx2.5=78 nt fabric cost for this skirt

3 out of 5, i had turned from fabrics to dress/garment. Now it left 2 kind of knit in the gift box..it's gonna be colder winter. I shall make 2nd layer dress to against the cold.


I saw rainbow above my factory this early morning around 7:30am,

this is good sign, though in grey  weather鬼天氣, keep color rainbow dream and go for it. 


( 興趣嗜好其他 )
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