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On the Mark-Get Ready- Sew~ .Legging & shorts
2015/04/19 17:11:49瀏覽263|回應0|推薦0


How to sew legging or pant without pattern? just use your own legging or pants as pattern will be fine..a little fine tune based on fabric character.

flora fabric was left over dress ..(i stored some in kitchen underneath the mircowave..Ha..Ha..)modified in April 2014, sewed in Sept 2013


長的legging有點熱, 穿這及膝runing legging就好..you see I enlarged a little bit on flora fabric vs. my black Korean style legging. and I always left enough wasit band seam space there on the top, as i like high waist legging.

韓版legging 當版就对了.

先前是車的粉紅麻花...Earlier this afternoon, i sewn the shorts first on the pink heather looks fabric. yes it goes with my pink sport bra (inside,sorry)

太寬了.but i found the short pattern i use was too loose vs. my knit heather fabric.


conclusion: stay Slim and Fit



( 心情隨筆其他 )
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