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2015/02/02 18:56:08瀏覽102|回應0|推薦0

 明天就要飛去巴伐利亞, 也是跟紐西蘭一樣海角天涯的國度...

但是...reveiw 巴伐利亞outdoor 競賽表之十大準備事項...

偶..竟然做了十件事以外之事,,,sew my own bag....

嬌小如我也, 至巴伐利亞就如同哈比人.擠地鐵時恐怕會被大隻巴伐利亞人給推不知那一個站去.

所以還是車個隨行包. 自己保護自已.

outdoor 比賽, 參賽者都會背後背包. 但是嬌小的nana還是沒有安全感.

後背包還是會帶用客人送我的那一咖放羽絨服, 隨身包還是放我的survial kit...

媽阿...溫差30度..(中壢20度, 巴伐利亞-10度)

 My name is nana, i am from tropical island ...(wearing heavy clothing...body shaking...)


儘管我10大準備都沒準備齊全, 我還是帶著熱情的心跟巴伐利亞及世界各地outdoor好手們


交朋友, 向另一半球之人介紹FEFC Nylon 66 機能紗線之美好人生之應用也....

(美果人都喜歡N66 yoga wear, 巴伐利亞人也應該喜歡吧...)


不然, 最基本的, 就是陪台灣的布廠客戶一同打拼的...

ps. nana 的最愛Burda Style也是來自巴伐利亞的阿..



The 10-Point-Plan – Optimum Preparation For Your ISPO MUNICH Visit

To guarantee the most efficient use of your time at ISPO MUNICH, follow these ten important tips to prepare.


1. Review Brands
Check which brands and products your company sells most successfully (A and B brands). Also ask your staff members: What brands do clients prefer? Which additional labels would compliment your selection? Focus on the manufacturers of these brands.

2. Visit The ISPO Website
Get information at the ISPO website: Which events are of interest? Check the side event calendar. Find out everything about our seminars, training sessions, parties and the Brand New Area: subscribe to the
ISPO Newsletter.


3. Set Up Meetings
Schedule meetings with your A and B brands as well as potential new brands in advance. Our tip: Set up meetings nearby to avoid time-consuming “hall hopping”. We recommend a maximum of twelve meetings per day.


4. Schedule Time For Inspiration
Make sure to schedule some free time between meetings to gain some inspiration from the new trends exhibited at ISPO MUNICH. This will allow you to discover new brands and visit interesting exhibit booths.

5. Order ISPO CARD Or Event Ticket In Advance Online
Order your event ticket or ISPO CARD online prior to the exhibition. You will benefit from comprehensive discounts and offers such as complimentary use of Munich’s public transportation system. Save time and money:

6. Book Travel And Accommodations
Take time to make the most important reservations in advance.
Plan your air, car or railroad travel. And don’t forget to book the appropriate accommodations in Munich.

7. Plan Activities In And Around Munich
What interests you about Munich and its surrounding areas: sports, culture or sightseeing? Take advantage of your visit to the City of Munich to do some shopping in the many exciting shops the metropolis offers. Or enjoy a daytrip to the Alps.

8. Prepare Business Information
Prepare important information, e.g. on planned events and new store openings. Plan your meetings in advance: what topic to discuss with each company. Take advantage of your time at ISPO MUNICH for targeted questions on products, pricing and shop support.


9. Maintain Contacts
Are there more people you want to meet at ISPO MUNICH: colleagues from other shops or representatives from your agencies? Plan time to maintain these business contacts. Plan a lunch or dinner with partners and friends.

10. Include Updates On The ISPO Website In Your Planning
Check the ISPO website again shortly before ISPO MUNICH. Find out about the latest news and program updates, and include them in your pre-event planning.

More Proven Tips And Recommendations:

·         Bring a trolley or backpack to transport catalogues and goodies

·         Pack chewing gum or mints

·         Bring a sufficient supply of business cards

·         Remember to bring your credit card

·         Pack a calendar or notepad for notes

·         Bring a stapler to attach business cards

Start a vitamin regimen three to four days prior to your ISPO MUNICH


( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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