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ya~ It's Summer time...1/4 wrap skirt(附車好之燈籠裙)
2014/06/02 20:41:02瀏覽97|回應0|推薦1

Sunshinein...my house

Hotand cold — 在新明市場

it's green on my table dishes too...

Summer flora ...blooming.

ya, it's time to sew Summer dress..

i have sorted two box to storage fabric which I bought recently. Top box for Knit, slik, chiffon

Bottom box is Woven...mostly cotton woven. and few cotton twill.

These are perfect fabric for Summer dress.

wrap dress just finished 1/4. (1 yard for 117nt)

pattern from Burda

special price for this fabric. cool, airly and drapy

1/4 watermelon only NT$60.-.....ya..it's summer time~~

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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