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【老式情歌】There's A Kind Of Hush All Over The World
2018/08/18 00:05:00瀏覽937|回應0|推薦18

(音樂:Hermans Hermits - Theres a Kind of Hush)


Theres A Kind Of Hush All Over The World

Hermans Hermits是一個英國熱門音樂樂團,
Hermans Hermits 不甘落後,也在1965年進軍美國,
1967年,他們發表“Theres A Kind Of Hush All Over The World”,
我們就來聽聽這支算是Hermans Hermits的再見曲子,

Theres A Kind Of Hush All Over The World

Theres a kind of hush all over the world tonight
All over the world you can hear the sounds of lovers in love
You know what I mean
Just the two of us and nobody else in sight
Theres nobody else and Im feelin good just holdin you tight

So listen very carefully
Closer now and you will see what I mean
It isnt a dream
The only sound that you will hear
Is when I whisper in your ear
"I love you forever and ever"

Theres a kind of hush all over the world tonight
All over the world you can hear the sound of lovers in love
La la-la la-la la-la
La-la la-la la-la la-la
La-la-la-la-la la-la la-la-la
La la-la la-la

So listen very carefully
Closer now and you will see what I mean
It isnt a dream
The only sound that you will hear
Is when I whisper in your ear
"I love you forever and ever"

Theres a kind of hush all over the world tonight
All over the world, people just like us are falling in love
Yeah, theyre falling in love
Theyre falling in love

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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