2006年12月29日星期五 我不太想為這部影片說什麼,你必須去看,才能看見另一個國度。國度裡有父子之間彼此的疼惜,情節背景是我不熟悉的印度,應該說:喜歡印度,卻一直沒有出發去摸摸它的土。^^影片有很多不錯的轉折,而結局,喜歡或者不喜歡,都可以看見自己對目前生活的滿意度。 "HORN OK PLEASE" follows a monotonous day in the life of an Indian taxi driver named Lucky. Lucky's goal is to earn enough rupees to buy the air-conditioned taxi of his dreams... HORN OK PLEASE was produced in 2006 by Flickerpix Animations Ltd. in Belfast. It is a creative collaboration between animators from India and Northern Ireland. This film is combination of stop-motion (clay) models and drawn, composited backgrounds. The whole film was shot on a NIKON D70 stills camera and post-produced in After Effects on a simple pc. For more info, visit us on www.flickerpix.com