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2009/04/22 19:18:50瀏覽627|回應0|推薦0

夏卡將於5月14日及15日在台南大學發表有關幼兒藝術教育的論文,題名為: 構築幼兒學習鷹架-以創意音樂律動為例。本文提供論文摘要, 歡迎有興趣者參考或前往參加研討會,獲取更多有趣的論文資訊。


This study aimed to explore the effect of scaffolding learning theory and the learning model of music and movement to children. This study first analyzed the process of exploration, and then analyzed the scaffolding strategies how to improve the quality of music learning. This study belonged to action research of art curriculum and teaching, and emphasized the circular process of action research. In order to achieve the above purposes, the methods used for data collection were participant observation, interviews and documentary analysis. This study found that teacher had to apply the strategy of “circumstances scaffording” to construct an imaginative and explorative environment for children, as well as enlighten their creative performance; to use strategy of “language scaffording” to develop children’s thinking and criticism. Moreover to apply strategy of “emotion scaffording” to encourage children transformd their emotion into movement. According to the finding, this study proposed suggestions for music practical workers and music educational researchers.




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