晨興聖言-經歷、享受並彰顯基督(W10-5) - ymch130 的部落格 - udn部落格
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    2024/09/27 10:24:21



    約十七 1『耶穌…說,父阿,時候到了,願你榮耀你的兒子,使兒子也榮耀你。』

    22 ~ 23『你所賜給我的榮耀,我已賜給他們,使他們成爲一,正如我們是一一樣。我在他們裏面,你在我裏面,使他們被成全成爲一,叫世人知道是你差了我來,並且知道你愛他們如同愛我一樣。』



    〔信徒〕合一的第一個根據乃是重生,接受父的生命;第二個根據是聖別,從神以外的一切事物中分別出來…歸給神自己。…這一的第三個根據比前兩個更深且更高。這是在神聖榮耀的彰顯裏的一。我們…從世界分別出來以後,必須藉着否認己,憑着基督作生命活着。這位基督在我們裏面是我們榮耀的盼望。(西一 27。)

    我們若要在神聖的榮耀裏成爲一,就必須棄絕自己並忘掉自己。必須不再是我,乃是基督在我裏面活着。(加二 20。)這『我』已經被釘死,己必須被否認,基督纔能活在我們裏面。我們不但要棄絕世界,還要棄絕自己。一面,我們已經從許多屬世的場合和屬世的事物中聖別出來,進入了父的家;另一面,我們每個人都有自己的意見、思想或觀念。如果情形是這樣,我們如何能成爲一?從前我們分別在各種屬世的場合中,現今我們雖然回家了,但我們仍有己的難處。爲這緣故,我們不可憑自己的生命活着,乃要憑榮耀的生命,神聖的生命活着。…這樣,在這生命的榮耀裏,我們就要成爲一。因此,信徒的一有三個根據,或三個階段:重生、聖別並得榮。第一階段是藉着重生,得着神爲我們的父;第二階段是藉着聖言,從世界分別出來,歸給三一神;第三階段是藉着否認己,憑榮耀的神聖生命活着。




    WEEK 10 — DAY 5

    Morning Nourishment

    John 17:1 …Jesus…said, Father, the hour has come; glorify Your Son that the Son may glorify You.

          22-23 And the glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, even as We are one; I in them, and You in Me, that they may be perfected into one, that the world may know that You have sent Me and have loved them even as You have loved Me.

    [In John 17:22 and 23] we have the oneness of the believers in the Father’s glory given to the Son and given to the believers by the Son. This glory is for the expression of God through His life and nature. (CWWL, 1982, vol. 2, “The Fulfillment of the Tabernacle and the Offerings in the Writings of John,” p. 497)

    Today’s Reading

    The first ground of [the believers’] oneness is regeneration, receiving the life of the Father, and the second ground is sanctification, being separated from everything other than God…to God Himself…The third ground of this oneness is even deeper and higher than this. It is the oneness in the manifestation of the divine glory. After we have been…separated from the world, we must live, through the denying of ourselves, by Christ as our life who is the hope of glory within us (Col. 1:27).

    If we would be one in the divine glory, we must forsake and forget ourselves. It must be no longer I but Christ who lives in me (Gal. 2:20). The “I” has been crucified, and the self must be denied that Christ may live in us. We must not only renounce the world but also ourselves. On the one hand, we have been sanctified from so many worldly places and worldly things and have come home to the Father’s house. On the other hand, each of us has his opinions, thoughts, or ideas. If this is the situation, how can we be one? Once we were separated into various worldly places, but now,
    having come home, we may still have trouble with the self. For this reason we must not live by our own life but by the life of glory, the divine life… Then, in the glory of this life, we will be one. Hence, there are three grounds or steps of the oneness of the believers: regeneration, sanctification, and glorification. Having God as our Father by regeneration is the first step; coming to the Triune God by separation from the world through the holy word is the second step; and living by the divine life of glory through denying ourselves is the third step.

    By denying ourselves we can experience the divine life to such a degree that we are perfected into one. If the brothers in the church life argue and debate with one another one day and then confess and apologize to one another the next day, it means that they have not yet been perfected into one. On the day they realize in full the matter of crucifixion, that the “I” has been crucified on the cross and that they are living by the life of the divine glory, that will be the day when they all will be perfected into one. On that day they will no longer debate or quarrel, because there will not be the self and the opinions. Then they will be perfected into one…When we reach this point, we will be on the highest level of oneness, having been perfected into one by the divine glory given to the believers to express the Triune God in a corporate way.

    The third aspect of the believers’ oneness is the oneness in the divine glory for the corporate expression of the Triune God. In this aspect of oneness, the believers, their self having been fully denied, enjoy the glory of the Father as the factor of their perfected oneness and thus express God in a corporate, built-up way…The ultimate oneness of the believers is in the eternal life (in the Father’s name), by the holy word, and in the divine glory to express the Triune God for eternity. (Life-study of John, 2nd ed., pp. 467-471)

    Further Reading: CWWL, 1982, vol. 2, “The Fulfillment of the Tabernacle and the Offerings in the Writings of John,” chs. 50—51, 53—54; Life-study of John, msg. 40

