晨興聖言-經歷、享受並彰顯基督(W10-6) - ymch130 的部落格 - udn部落格
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    約十七 5『父阿,現在求你使我與你同得榮耀,就是未有世界以先,我與你同有的榮耀。』


    弗三 21『願在召會中,並在基督耶穌裏,榮耀歸與祂,直到世世代代,永永遠遠。阿們。』



    今天子如何得着榮耀,使父在子裏面,並藉着子得着榮耀?乃是藉着召會。當召會經過重生、聖別、釘死,並且在榮耀裏與基督聯結,那時神的兒子就要得着彰顯並顯明。神的兒子要在召會的一裏得着榮耀。神的兒子這樣得了榮耀,父也就同時在子裏面,並藉着子得了榮耀。因此,『願你榮耀你的兒子,使兒子也榮耀你,』〔十七 1,〕這個禱告包含並在於召會經過重生、聖別、釘死、以及與神的兒子聯結成爲一。在召會時代,神在基督裏,並在召會中,得着榮耀。(弗三 21。)(新約總論第九册,二三○、二三四至二三五頁。)



    藉着基督的信徒在子裏生機的與父聯結爲一,父就得着榮耀。(約十七 23。)約翰十五章清楚的啓示,我們在基督裏面,基督也在我們裏面。(4 ~ 5。)但在十七章,主…禱告,要叫我們知道我們在祂裏面,正如祂在父裏面一樣,並且祂在我們裏面,正如父在祂裏面一樣。神聖的三一有這奇妙的互相內在的一。這互相內在的一,已經重複在基督和祂的信徒身上。今天基督在祂的信徒裏面,使祂的信徒也得以在祂裏面。這就如父在子裏面,使子也得以在父裏面。基督在十七章的禱告,啓示出這樣互相內在的一。


    在神聖的得榮裏,三一神在人性裏得着榮耀,而人性也在神性裏得着榮耀。有一天,主耶穌要帶着實際顯明出來的榮耀來臨,我們也要被帶進那榮耀裏。然後就有得榮加上得榮,並有在得榮裏的得榮。至終,就有終極的完成——新耶路撒冷。(啓二一10 ~ 11。)(新約總論第九册,二三六至二四○頁。)


    WEEK 10 — DAY 6

    Morning Nourishment

    John 17:5 And now, glorify Me along with Yourself, Father, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.

               22…The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, even as We are one.

    Eph. 3:21 To Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus unto all the generations forever and ever. Amen.

    The main point of the Lord’s message in John 14 through 16 is that the Son may be glorified so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

    Before His incarnation Christ as the only begotten Son of God was with the Father in glory and enjoyed this glory with the Father. But when He with this glory put on flesh through incarnation, this glory was concealed in His flesh… The divine glory, the expression of the divine life and nature, was therefore confined and concealed within the Lord’s humanity.

    By what way will the Son be glorified today so that the Father might be glorified in and through the Son? It is by the church. When the church has been regenerated, sanctified, crucified, and united with Christ in glory, then the Son of God will be expressed and manifested. The Son of God will be glorified in the oneness of the church, and the Father at that time will also be glorified in and through the Son. Therefore, the prayer, “Glorify Your Son that the Son may glorify You,” includes and depends upon the matter of the church being regenerated, sanctified, crucified, and united in oneness with the Son of God. God is glorified in Christ and in the church
    in the church age (Eph. 3:21). (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 2951, 2954-2955)

    Today’s Reading

    Glory is the expression of the divine life and the divine nature. If we live by the divine life and nature, we shall express the divine glory. The more the saints live by the divine life and the divine nature, the more glorious the church life is, and the more divine glory there will be in the church.

    The Father is glorified through the organic union of Christ’s believers with the Father in the Son in oneness (John 17:23). In John 15 the fact of our being in Christ and Christ being in us is clearly revealed (vv. 4-5). But in John 17 the Lord prayed…so that we would realize that we are in Him just as He is in the Father, and He is in us just as the Father is in Him. With the Divine Trinity there is such a wonderful coinhering oneness. This coinhering oneness has been duplicated by Christ with His believers. Today Christ is in His believers, causing His believers to be in Him. This is like the Father being in the Son, causing the Son to be in the Father. The prayer of Christ in John 17 is a revelation of such a coinhering oneness.

    The oneness revealed in chapter 17 is for the Father’s glorification in the Son. This oneness is actually the divine glorification. The Son is glorified in the church, and the Father is glorified in the Son…The oneness is the glorification, the glorification is the new man, the new man is the vine, and the vine is the Father’s house [chs. 14—17]. The glorification for which the Lord prayed is actually the divine mingling with humanity, and this mingling is the marvelous oneness…in chapter 17. This oneness is safeguarded in the name of the Father, in the Triune God, and in the glorious expression of the Triune God. This is the central point of the revelation of the New Testament.

    In the divine glorification the Triune God is glorified in humanity, and humanity is glorified in divinity. One day the Lord Jesus will come in a physical manifestation of glory, and we shall be brought into that glory. Then there will be glorification upon glorification and glorification within glorification. Eventually, there will be the ultimate consummation—the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:10-11). (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 2956-2959)

    Further Reading: CWWL, 1958, vol. 2, “The Basis for the Building Work of God,” ch. 4; CWWL, 1959, vol. 1, pp. 402-417; CWWL, 1993, vol. 1, “God’s Salvation in Life,” ch. 4

