晨興聖言-經歷、享受並彰顯基督(W10-4) - ymch130 的部落格 - udn部落格
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    2024/09/27 10:20:50



    約一 14『…豐豐滿滿的有恩典,有實際。我們也見過祂的榮耀,正是從父而來獨生子的榮耀。』

    太十七 2『就在他們面前變了形像,臉面發光如日頭,衣服變白如光。』

    約十二 23『耶穌回答說,人子得榮耀的時候到了。』

    〔約翰〕與彼得和雅各,乃是在山上主變化形像時,見過主的榮耀。〔約一 14。〕…當祂還活在人性裏,在山上變化形像時,祂神性的榮耀纔向祂的門徒短暫的顯示一下。〔太十七 2。〕…彼得在彼後一章十七至十八節也說到這事:『因爲祂從父神領受尊貴榮耀的時候,從顯赫的榮耀中,有這樣的聲音向祂發出:這是我的愛子,我所喜悅的。我們同祂在聖山的時候,親自聽見這聲音從天上發出。』(李常受文集一九九四至一九九七年第五册,四○二至四○三頁。)


    子是神成爲肉體,祂的肉體乃是一個帳幕,給神在地上居住。(約一 14。)祂神聖的元素限制在祂的人性裏,如同神的榮光遮藏在帳幕裏。在變化山上,祂神聖的元素曾從肉體裏釋放出來,彰顯在榮耀裏,爲三個門徒所看見。(太十七 1 ~ 4。)但在這之後,這神聖的元素又遮藏在祂的肉體裏。主在約翰十七章所記載的禱告之先,曾豫言祂要得榮耀,父也要在祂身上得榮耀。(十二 23,十三 31 ~32。)現在祂要經過死,使祂人性的體殼得以破裂,讓祂神聖的元素,神聖的生命釋放出來;祂也要復活,將祂的人性提高到神聖的元素裏,並使祂神聖的元素得着彰顯,以致祂的全人,包括神性和人性,都得着榮耀。這樣,父就在祂身上得着榮耀。

    〔在十七章〕主耶穌這關於得榮的禱告,要在三個階段裏得着成就。首先,這禱告是在祂的復活裏得着成就。這是由於祂神聖的元素,神聖的生命,從祂的人性釋放出來,進入許多信徒裏面,(十二 23 ~ 24,)而祂的全人,包括祂的人性,都被帶進榮耀裏;(路二四 26;)也是由於父神神聖的元素,在主的復活得榮裏,得着了彰顯。在主的復活裏,神答應並成就了祂的禱告。(徒三 13 ~ 15。)其次,這禱告已在召會裏得着成就。這是因爲祂復活的生命藉祂許多肢體得了彰顯,祂就在他們裏面得了榮耀,父也在祂裏面藉着召會得着彰顯。(弗三 21,提前三 15 ~16。)第三,這禱告要在新耶路撒冷得着終極的成就,因爲那時祂要在榮耀裏完全得着彰顯,神也要在祂裏面,藉着聖城得着榮耀,直到永遠。(啓二一 11,23 ~ 24。)



    WEEK 10 — DAY 4

    Morning Nourishment

    John 1:14 …(And we beheld His glory, glory as of the only Begotten from the Father), full of grace and reality.

    Matt. 17:2 And He was transfigured before them, and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as the light.

    John 12:23 And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.

    John…, along with Peter and James, beheld the Lord’s glory when He was transfigured on the mountain [John 1:14]. His transfiguration was a glorification…In Christ’s transfiguration on the mountain, while He was living in His humanity,…the glory of His divinity was manifested for a glimpse to His disciples [Matt. 17:2]…Peter refers to this in 2 Peter 1:17-18: “He received from God the Father honor and glory, a voice such as this being borne to Him by the magnificent glory: This is My Son, My Beloved, in whom I delight. And this voice we heard being borne out of heaven while we were
    with Him in the holy mountain.” (CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 5, “The Issue of Christ Being Glorified by the Father with the Divine Glory,” pp. 319-320)

    Today’s Reading

    The Son was God incarnated, and His flesh was a tabernacle for God’s dwelling on earth (John 1:14). His divine element was confined in His humanity, just as God’s shekinah glory was concealed within the tabernacle. Once, on the mountain of transfiguration, His divine element was released from within His flesh and expressed in glory, being seen by the three disciples (Matt. 17:1-4). However, it was concealed again in His flesh. Before the prayer recorded in John 17, the Lord predicted that He would be glorified and that the Father would be glorified in Him (John 12:23; 13:31-32). Now He was going to pass through death that the concealing shell of His humanity might be broken for His divine element, His divine life, to be released. He was also to resurrect that He might uplift His humanity into the divine element and that His divine element might be expressed, that His entire being, both divinity and humanity, might be glorified. Thus, the Father would be glorified in Him.

    This prayer of the Lord Jesus [in John 17] concerning glorification will be fulfilled in three stages. First, it was fulfilled in His resurrection, in that His divine element, His divine life, was released from within His humanity into His many believers (John 12:23-24), and His whole being including His humanity was brought into glory (Luke 24:26), and in that the Father’s divine element was expressed. God answered and fulfilled His prayer in His resurrection (Acts 3:13-15). Second, it has been fulfilled in the church, in that as His resurrection life has been expressed through His many members, He has been glorified in them and the Father has been glorified in Him
    through the church (Eph. 3:21; 1 Tim. 3:15-16). Third, it will be ultimately fulfilled in the New Jerusalem, in that He will be fully expressed in glory, and God will also be glorified in Him through the holy city for eternity (Rev. 21:11, 23-24).

    The subject of the divine glorification, the glorification of the Father in the glorification of the Son, is the subject of a lengthy section of the Gospel of John. This section begins from the middle of chapter 12 and goes through the end of chapter 17. In John 12:23 the Lord Jesus declared, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.”…As verse 24 indicates, for the Son of Man to be glorified is for Him to have His divine element, His divine life, released from within the shell of His humanity to produce many believers in resurrection, just as a grain of wheat releases its life element by falling into the ground and dying in order to bear much fruit and thereby bring forth many grains…From [verse 24] we see that for the Lord to be glorified is for Him to die and be resurrected in order to bear much fruit. This means that the bearing of fruit is His glorification. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 1666-1668)

    Further Reading: The Conclusion of the New Testament, msg. 153; CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 5, “The Issue of Christ Being Glorified by the Father with the Divine Glory,” ch. 1

