2022/02/20 21:24:12
1. 上德不德,是以有德。
A highly moral man who humbles himself feeling lack of righteousness pursues the truth with all his heart, indeed he holds a very high moral standard.
2. 下德不失德,是以無德。
An immoral man thinks he is moral, in fact lack of morality.
3. 上德無為,而無以為。
A man with a high level of morality is unselfish, he will do everything for others rather than for himself.
4. 下德無為,而有以為。
An immoral man who pretends to be unselfish does everything for himself.
5. 上仁為之,而無以為。
A great merciful man who lives to love asks for no return.
6. 上義為之,而有以為。
A great impartial man lifts up justice in order to build a righteous society.
7. 上禮為之,而莫之應,則攘臂而扔之。
When a man actively promoting secular formalities receives no echoes, he would raise animosity and coerce people to follow.
8. 故失道而後德,失德而後仁。
When a society turns away from the Word of God, people start to seek morality, when morality is not practiced they start to emphasize kindness.
9. 失仁而後義,失義而後禮。
When kindness is lost they start to advocate righteousness, when righteousness is disclaimed they start to promote secular formalities.
10. 夫禮者,忠信之薄,而亂之首。
However, secular formalities are the cause leading to unfaithness and unreliability, the main source of social unrest.
11. 前識者,道之華,而愚之始。
The ignorant who regards himself as a prophet does not know the Word, what he has is filmsy knowledge; it is just a beginning of foolishness.
12. 是以大丈夫處其厚,不處其薄。
Therefore a righteous ruler abides by the solid Word of God, and rejects superficial formalities.
13. 居其實,不居其華,故去彼取此。
Living with righteousness and rejecting faulty knowledge are the reason why a sage refuses secular formalities and turns to the Word of God.
(1) 不妄為,一切順從「自然」而為;
(2) 無私奉獻又無所不為,但所作所為都不是為了自己。