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Open letter
2008/04/23 07:32:16瀏覽417|回應0|推薦1

Dear Friends: 

I am sorry I dropped to write for a couple days even I have a bundle of reason. But it is excuse. So, I would say sorry seriously.

First, I would like to share with you

I just finished our classmate meeting during April 12~13. There is 45 friends joined with. Some of these ,I lost communication for years.

And I fly Christchurch with wife to join daughter's commencement immediately.

By the way, we drove Omalu to visit Friend's farm. It is 現代桃花源.

I was back Monday and worked for a whole day.

I do prepare to write a serious impressions during the days. 

Thanks your concern. It is fantastic feeling.


Best regards



( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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