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What is Love (愛情是什麼東西)
2007/09/18 07:23:48瀏覽872|回應1|推薦3

What is Love (愛情是什麼東西)

Love is devoted and enjoying.

You feel happy when you do for him.

You feel happy when you get from him.

You are missing on him.

You are caring on him.

You are exciting when you falling in love……

Love is not forever

Love exists when both all feel loved.

Love exists when both all willing to give.

Love exists when the giving is what lover’s expecting.

Love needs learning and upgrade.

Love is conditional and need charged.

Love is fading when no more feeling…….




( 心情隨筆愛戀物語 )
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This I like^^
2007/09/19 09:53
freemind(mingching) 於 2007-09-19 13:45 回覆:

Though we are the minor, we keep what we are.