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2007/01/05 08:27:19瀏覽281|回應0|推薦2 | |
Our live is like a winkled bill, First tortured, paid without our will. Not knowing who would get and use, To panic, we choose, or to muse. Pursuing dreams, desires we make, Yet know no God when sends a quake. On stage our blowing money games, With wolves we trade ourselves poor lambs. I may leave words when I alive, For death our livings seemly die. Shake arrogance dear angles' mind, Awake to love, to feel, to find. PS 這是英史課(12/27)賴老師要求的上課寫的英詩習作,我隨手把前一天地震的想法寫下來。我用的是抑揚四步格對句(in iambic tetrameters, rhyming in couplets),簡單說就是唸起來一輕一重,句尾押韻。 的確,創作真的有語言的障礙,要寫出這樣一首詩花了我將近兩個小時,而且還是有些地方有小瑕疵。不過我覺得念起來挺好聽的,你唸唸看吧!這是我第一首寫的英詩喔。 |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |