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2013/09/17 06:26:39瀏覽243|回應0|推薦9

關說沒對價?鬼相信! 下面公司在我報警、FBI追查洗錢後、

警The followings are all from my e-mail actual story. I am
going to publish as memoir in order of dates:關

Yiwu Menglei Import & Export Co., Ltd.

132 Wuai Road,
Yiwu City,
Zhejiang Province. China
Dear Friend,
Compliments of the day, and my best wishes to you. I am Mrs. Yei Wan, The Public Relation Officer (PRO.) of the above company. This company is into the supply of home Textiles,Toys, China wares, and Stationeries.This company was established in 2004.underthe Company and Allied Matter with the Corporate Affairs Commissions of China.
Having gone through a methodical search, I decided to contact you hoping that you will find this proposal interesting. we are interested in employing your services to work with us as a private payment agent that can help us establish a medium of receiving payment for goods that was supplied to our customers in your location,as the company is already experiencing difficulties in receiving payments from them.
Most of our customers pay out in cheques and money orders and we do not have an account in your country that will clear this money. It is upon this note that we seek your assistance to stand in as our representative in your country. It is important to let you know that, as our representative, you will receive 10% of whatever amount you clear for the company and the balance will be for the company.
Please if you are interested to work with us in good faith and honesty, Contact Mr. Zhang Hsu the Chief Executive Officer (CEO.) of this company whom is presently in the UK. Through this email address: zhanghsu@myway.com
Endeavor to let him know that I directed you to him; Please let him know your decision rather than keeping him waiting because I will inform him about my contacting you. The CEO. Will tell you more on receipt of your response. If you are
not interested, kindly pardon me for contacting you. Thanks for your time and remain blessed.
Very Respectfully,
Mrs. Yei Wan.
Yiwu Menglei Import
& Export Co., Ltd.
Goods for Import,
Freight Fwdg. Svcs.
( 時事評論公共議題 )
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