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2007/01/31 11:20:49瀏覽588|回應4|推薦4

李登輝澄清非台獨欲訪大陸? 綠委:老而不死謂之賊
"臺灣國" is a dream which can't be materialized for good.

 Following is a blog response from China mainland young blogger named Fachugu


對于去中國化我比較擔心,畢竟兩岸經濟上面的差距可以慢慢縮小,但是文化上肆意割裂對未來會有很大的後果.這次教科書的修改雖然感覺在兩岸論述上感覺更加切合實際,但是將所有"大陸"這些詞語通通改成中國却感覺很不可取. 中國跟臺灣一定要區別得那麽清么? 在誰也不知道歷史以後的軌迹前保持其中一定的模糊空間不是更好么? 其中是否會設及違憲問題?因爲畢竟現在中華民國憲法名義上還包括中國大陸. 當然我是基于大陸人士的觀點看問題,跟臺灣人想得肯定不一樣.

可能是家庭背景原因,我個人對中華民國這個名字的認可程度甚至比中華人民共和國還要高.因爲共和已經表明主權在民了,不用再加人民兩個字了. 感覺中華民國頌也更符合中國人的氣質, 而不象義勇軍進行曲那樣如此得具有鬥爭性. 但我得聲明一下,持我這一個想法的大陸人頂多1%,是個例.其實我想說的是,名字不是那麽重要,重要得是文化的中國這個概念.有時候,文化上的這個概念甚至比政治上的概念更加重要.



( 時事評論政治 )
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The worst scennario.
2007/02/02 13:33


Very possible. Those people either previously or now stay in power are sneaky polititian.
They are hungry for money and power even at the expenses of selling or even killing their
family. Have you watched the Japanese NHK big drama? Tokukawa in order to grab power
would rather sacrefice by killing his own son. Some time I was wondering that Chen one day might as last resort sacrifice his wife to save his neck. At time like you mentioned that Chinese
Communists wage a war, Chen might take all his administration to Kowtau to make a surrander
to Chinese and ask their forgiveness. In the end, China will put Chen as puppy head of Taiwan

2007/02/02 07:11

It is up to the young to meet the challenge of changing world.
2007/01/31 23:18

Right after I published your good response there came the news that Lee Den-whei denied
of his ever declared intention of proclaiming the so called Taiwan Independency. Both Lee
and Chen knew the reality of world order which does not allow them to make it happen.

The sad thing is that in order for both to grab the power their idealistic measures in the media and action have already caused the damage to the mind of the followers. That created a bunch
of people who likes nothing but money and power. The good thing is that Lee made a wake up call at his age of 87 finally. Chen with his shamless acts of fighting to stay in power leaves
him nothing but a little of more than one year time.

Time is on people's side. The only thing worries me is that the people already lost edge in this
competative world of economy. According to statistics of world population, there are 40%
people in Taiwan that do not like reading book. That creates a vacuum for an evil minded
people to take advantage of ignorant people to blindly follow them in their favor.

We are all living in history. It is up to the young like you to have a clear mind in the history

2007/01/31 18:54

Thank you for your notice in my blog.

Yes. What those DPP extremists have done seems to me just ridiculous.
But I'm confident to some degree that the culture can not just be splitted by them. In these sense they are somewhat idiots.

But if you have a look at the media in mainland and see what the people there respond in internet,  you have enough reason to have big worry. Worry about what? Well, the war we all actually need to avoid. How many tragedies are resulted from misunderstanding of volks!! And how many historical chances we have missed !! Just look at history, we could have peace right after second world war, if the KMT and GCD can reach the agreement of democracy system in Chongqing negotiation in 1945. If so, no Taiwan problem, no poverty in mainland, no cultural revolution would exist now at all . All those tragedies can be escaped.

So, I pray for the people across the border to have better mutual understanding.  I pray for the democracy of mainland. I pray for peace.