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Where is the media heading from here?
2006/11/03 09:06:09瀏覽498|回應0|推薦1

Where is the media heading from here?
Follow the trend.

I watched Larry King last night (11/1/060) when Mr. King was interviewing Kate Couric, CBS Evening News anchor. Following caught my attention:
1. She had TV viewer about 27 millions when she was anchoring.
2. She contracted with CBS with annual salary 10 millions, the highest
    anchor among the big 5. She is every bit worth it.
3. Among other things, she mentioned that the newspaper are on their way out and will disappear sooner or later.(It is happening already)
4. The only media left with time advancing are TV network, and, in my opinion, the internet blog live broad casting. Based on the recent development, the DSL and cable modem can be made 10 times faster within a couple of years. In another words, you can watch and use the blog live broadcasting almost the same as the TV network. You can w
atch like TV network and use either call-in or e-mail simultaneously. The commercial adv. can be inserted both way on steady screen (Like Google's adwords) and pre-video recorded commercial) inserted on live TV screen. The new live bloging program can also be preserved in the super computer. 

 above are the trend of new technology.

 Back to my previous article with regards to

I would like to emphasis that we need to make long range plan to revitalize Taiwan's economy by encouraging the big enterprises to invest in RD of airplane building, energy substitutes, and high technology regrouping to build a centralized communication center not only for Taiwan but for competing in the advancement of scientific communication world.

( 時事評論媒體出版 )
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