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2015/10/14 20:16:59瀏覽125|回應0|推薦4
legal action! Be aware2015/10/14 20:04

All those of you, who publicly ambushing
the legal Presidential candidate Miss
Hun listen carefully , I am holding strong evidence

 by means of wire-taping Mr.Chu he paid visits
Miss Hun 4 times in a roll in
an attempt to persuad
her to give up her Presidency Official candidacy i
n a change of
 unlawful some sort of promising note.

This attempt is apparently against Presidency election
code of law. A legal action is under way to indict
Mr. Chu by legal authority namely DA of Taipei
Judicial Court,  Any one in publicly attempt to
defend Mr.Chu's illegal action will be considered
as an accomplice for his illegal attempt to protect
Mr. Chu's crime and will be inducted accordingly.

this is a public announcement! posted by Mikky

�X�B: 朱立倫道歉?罷投到底! - 銀正雄的在地部落格 - udn部落格 http://blog.udn.com/ganghu999/32961531#ixzz3oXlnG3kB



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