我是活性(B)肝患者48年,這是我的故事: 我22年每天服用肝安能 EPIVIR,成功抗癌的人肝安能 使我恢復健康."
活性B肝病友: 您是否每天服用您對這種藥品,瞭解多少?我想和大家分享我的寶貴經驗.
我從1999年1月6 日開始服用肝安能 ,託朋友從台灣設法尋找替代品,當時, EPIVIR在台灣、菲律賓、香港等地的醫界還在實驗階段,但可買到以Lamvudine藥名銷售的替代品.這種藥的劑量為150mg,-供Aids患者使用,我託好友Alan從-HK bought 1999年起持續服用.
這種藥的效果對我來說真是神奇了!唯血小板值 82仍太低 、而且最重要的數據A-FP-胎兒蛋白(癌的的檢測基準)正常, 血小板82以下,還是偏高.我在這裡特別-要忠告B肝患者的就是「劑量」--記得我-開始服用這種150mg單位(愛滋病的劑量)藥品時,頭兩天有劇烈頭疼及耳鳴現象,於是自行決定把一顆藥分成兩半,也即每天服用半粒75mg的劑量,結果發現藥效奇佳!
2000年美國的陳醫師告訴我消息—美國葯管部正式批準 在美國上市US>EPIVIR,(Zefix Japanese name)劑量為100mg、她可以為我處方使用這種藥品,但我仍請她開150mg、以减少費用。這以后、我不必再麻煩朋友遠從香港買藥了.我一年節省的醫藥費用超過美金$800.(2010年已漲價到月US$204.00x12=$2,448.68 a year /3= $816.) 我年付費.現在每天服用 50 mg 3/15/2008.
2006 年我寫過一封信給GLX公司,檢附我十年的治療數據作為參考,建議他-GSK為HBV患者研發75mg劑量的藥品以半價在市上發售,造福病患(附-參考資料),寄出後竟如石沉大海,沒有接獲任何回-信. 我瞭解- 他-果這樣做,就會減少收益幾US$十億元!! 目前 愛滋病的劑量150mg與已肝100mg同價。
Michael Han (以下英文-待有時再用中文發表) On 3/1/2006,1st time in my 26 years the test shows Antibodies <5. font="">The Hepatitis BE Antigen is tested negative I cannot infect others. ( Hepatitis BE antigen is a sign that a patient is highly infectious & sign of worse infection.) Dr, Lai said 4/10/2000 in Hongkong : ” The implication is that monotherapy with just Epivir-HBV alone will not be the ultimate regimen. Neither is monotherapy with alfa interferon, the other FDA-approved drug to treat chronic hepatitis B. Most studies to date have not shown that the addition of alfa interferon to Epivir-HBV is any better than either alone, and that it
contributes a significantly worsened side effect profile. The above conclusion by Dr. Lai is apparently overturned by this
discovery of Michael Han’s lab test results. There are some controversy on the subject matter belw: 1. The patient has been using 75 mg dosage against Epivir 100 mg created for HBV patient only by SX 2. The 1st application for this patient had no doctor’s prescription for a period of one year. 3. In clinical trials in Japan as of February 1997, All 11 patients required hospitalization. One patient die 4. Other clinical trials results through out the world have not been provided by GSX.(Glaxosmithkine) 100mg and 150 mg Epivir at same price.
If you want to check it out your self, here is Glaxo Wellcomes Medical Services Department at (800) 334-0089.
This is sure an encouraging news not only to the 1.25 millions HB patients in the States but possible 300 millions in the world.
According to Michael Han, he has contracted HB in his late 40’s
in Taiwan. Although he has searched for a complete cure for years and found there is none in the available market. We found that this is a sign that we might be able to have a breakthrough and See the
light at end of tunnel for HB patients. I am on my way to live a normal life. According to current CDC guidelines, values greater than or equal to 10 MIU/ML indicate immunity. My test showed <5 which="" span="">
means values smaller than 5 antibody (Quant).
It could get better as the years progress. I have not stop oral
Epivir and no intention to interrupt the treatment until it is
definitely confirmed by all Dr. I know. I want to advise Asian poor patients. Get 150 mg Epivir and cut half taking daily. You will be living a better life.(我現在每天劑量為50mg,直到血小板恢復原狀(正常)以避免活性乙(B)肝復發。
For more information, please contact mikkyhanudn@gmail.com
P.S. 1. Hospitalized 7/12/06 after 3,050 days
2. Epivir was interrupted for 12 days
after7/25/06 Dr. Jean, Wenny confirmed
3. I restart Epivir 7/31/06 2008 I used same medicine under the Japanese name Zefi
A. 血小板(platelet)心力衰竭,AFP & 慢性B肝患者
B.乙肝,高血壓?! 我可是因禍得福了
C.Pulse 30 is dangerous 心力衰竭.Pacemaker
save my life!