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花美金十萬告馬總統?!I'll take A's advice & let it go!(3)
2008/06/02 07:37:11瀏覽441|回應0|推薦1

Dear A,
I think you made your point right about the lawsuit.
In real life, I hate to see the Taiwan judicial system have been
falling in the hand of a bunch of legal gangster.
In the States, I have fought against the government bureaucracy
and those special interest group. I have felt that I have the obligation
to keep my conscience clean that was why I attempted to file a lawsuit
wanting a justice. You know as well as I do that my retirement over
20 years and 75 days, to be exact in the Army of ROC  and was forced
onto me on account of getting married with Mari, a Japanese girl resulted
in a discharge without pay. In the States, based on Human Right Article
I am entitled to my retirement pension for which I served in the Army
I was in an attempt to rouse the attention of the now government
paying attention to the ordinary people that they should
pay attention and take care of us down the earth people.
Under the law, no one is allowed to have a favor not even the
President could take the law into his own hand and change the
Statute stipulated in the rules of law. If that General was discharged
he must retire without retirement pension. That was purpose of my
fighting against the unfair practice. True, I have had my retirement
arranged but that has nothing to do with law and justice. However, 
after careful consideration, I have reached my retirement age and must
not drag my family with me to join the fight. 
and should ignore the unfairness in this society. Life is short
and we should let it go and enjoy the rest of our lives.
Too bad, in this society we are in short of Robin-hood
to help those in need.
I may as well keep my US$100,000 enjoy myself.


( 時事評論公共議題 )
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