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2008/04/30 09:38:23瀏覽768|回應0|推薦2

A good president must look at big
picture. 馬英九's mind set of playing dirty
tricks under the name of balancing
power is a definitely a glitch in his
manning the new administration.
 I see 馬英九 根本沒有大的眼光沒有
氣吞天下的格局. He is far from it.
As for 連戰, at least he is Honorable
Chair of KMT and were given by KMT.
As long as he is holding his title, he is entitled
to meet Mr. Hu of Chinese Communist Party
for an official business gathering. 馬英九 is not
the Chair of KMT presently.  Without KMT's backing
馬英九 would not be elected as the President of ROC.
Let it be known that 馬英九 should never forget that.
I hate to see that once 馬英九 had been elected he neglect
the basic supporter of 765萬人who put him into
the Chair and kiss the Ass of the minority. That is ungrateful.
And that is not democratic, neither.
As for 李登輝是誰? Were he the
Figure Head of 23 millions population?
Who gave his right to say this and that?
I guess he is dreaming of that like
Japanese Emperor in Formosa. Remember
what he said to those Legislators in Legislative Yuan?
OLD THIEF? now he is every day
DAY-DREAMER. His parties TU was
diminished in Legislative Election. What
position does he have to have a say?
李登輝 is at most like me,  a citizen
entitles his right of speech, no more
no less.

2008-04-30 09:31 fair
( 時事評論政治 )
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