上面的錄影是我的證據 Japanese are proud of their country,日本人以自己國家為榮. A country with lots freedom , yet I並享有很多自由;不過在名商店 Was stopped by a guardman in a shopping mall of Lalaport and telling Me not to take picture! This amazed街、却不許拍照、太過份了吧! Me having no post of Sign saying太座與媒体每天臭中國、看看自己 所謂的自由民主日本、有比北韓中國好嗎、別在自己臉上貼金啦! "Photography is prohibited in Lalaport" yet you have no freedom to take picture in Shopping Mall. The irony is that the Japanese have done a lot of bashing on Communist controled government N country. However,. The Chinese did not mind of my taking pictuee in Shanghai like follow.