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Don't let news of 豪宅房地產熱 fool you!
2008/03/30 23:11:40瀏覽401|回應2|推薦5

The media is trying to paint a bright and colorful picture of
Taiwan housing market. Don't let them fool you.
Read the digest of John's review of  
The American housing market,.....
" we simply built more homes than the nation could absorb.
...... Burns projects that sales activity will drop another 30%,
to 1995 levels, and that will happen relatively soon.

This is going to mean that home building is going to be forced
to slow even more. Burns projects that permits to build new
homes will fall anywhere from 32% to as much as 70% in
the top 20 markets. ..... Reality has not yet kicked in for many
home builders. New and existing home inventories are hovering
in the 10-month range and are likely to rise further as foreclosures
put more homes on the market. This will likely mean that a buyer's
market for at least another 3-4 years is the most likely scenario....."

If you are rich business man you can afford putting your money
in Taiwan's housing market now.
If you are one of the middle class, my take is waiting when the
房地產熱 is cooling down to a certain extend and
see how the over all Taiwan's economy is going to react toward
the American worsening recession.  Holding your money tight
for another half year and see if there is  any chance for your wise
investment. Cash in hand is always good.


( 時事評論公共議題 )
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Please tell me more.
2008/03/31 05:26
Would tell me a little bit more about you?

2008/03/31 05:02

==================== 借格尋親
民國58年我的外省父親以親生名義收養了不知哪抱來的我 ;
民進黨徒的 ~~ 中國豬與太平洋沒加蓋 ;
我想我還是 "尋親" 以確認血統 ;
看我應是該站到跳太平洋那邊,還是叫人去跳的那邊 ;
請各路英雄俠女幫忙廣播 ~~ 尋找民國58年丟了個女嬰的 ;