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When Dust is settled.....
2008/03/25 08:21:58瀏覽529|回應1|推薦8

The dust is settled.
Finally it is over.
I do not want to hear.
I do not want to listen.
Will the media be quite or noisy?!
I just don't care.
Let me have my ordinary life back.
Work as usual play as everybody else.
I want to be just my self.
Wake up in the morning,
I ask myself "what's up today?"
"2 piece of bread, fresh salad and cheese egg sandwiches.
Open PC and surfing around in the blog world and trying
to find some thing new funny and entertaining....."
Today is another beautiful day!
Life without politics is wonderful!
It is quite mentally and relaxed phycologically.
Let this mood continue for
another day.....
another week......
another month.......
Bye bye politician........

( 時事評論公共議題 )
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We have done our part of job
2008/03/25 20:30
now the politicians should do their part, they'd better be good, otherwise......

No political news for a while, we need to recover from the stress of being errrr...... perhaps a news reader and commentator? Whatever! It will be spring, when the snow is over. Yak! It is still snowing in Hamburg.
革命烈士韓起的兒子(mikkyhan) 於 2008-03-25 20:45 回覆:

Oh, it is still winter in Hamburg? The spring has arrived in Yosemite mountain.
When I walk to the bridge I can hear the frogs singing loud in the night the
turtles already came out from their hibernation the Lilli stretching their beautiful
face and want to taste the fresh mountain air. The winter was finally over.
Just a short note, BTW, I still could not find the German sausage in the market
around here but thanks for the tip.