To: CT網路主筆室黃創夏,
You are hold accountable for the down fall of DPP
It hurts millions of followers.
It makes me wonder, Are you mentally fit for your job?
Hey, I have read lots of your recent republished articles.
It puzzled me a lot that you seem like a fair reasonable man
on the one hand; than a biased man on the other.
You said:"我不喜歡蔣介石" that is fine with me
and it did not hurt my feeling.
You said:"我痛恨蔣介石的威權統治" is fine, too.
Than suddenly you jumped with your title "「蔣介石」惡靈"
which was like a bone 【如鯁在喉】in my throat because
"惡靈"=evil spirit and I would be killed by that 惡靈 if
I do not remove or destroy it. It looks to me that you
are holding a powerful "Pen" with title of CT網路主筆
and has the power to write what ever you like based
on your personal liking.
In the your article "孫運璿,別為台灣哭泣!your
article sounded sentimental and emotional in a rational
manner; while in another "三賀!優遇李遠哲的啟示" you
sounded like a seating judge criticizing 李遠哲scandal to his
manipulating the system to benefit his retirement plan
for which I appraised your courage but noticed that you
handled with a heavy hammer but a soft landing.
Using your phrase :....報告李遠哲院長....." oh, man,
you are really good in apple polishing.
Are you seeking a job in the future by
this manner in the present administration? It made
my hair-standing. There seem a little bit short of
coherence in your characters in the way of depicting
those public figures. I question very much about your
family education.
Is it that you were raised in a broken family with divorced
parents? Did your father teach you to become an
opportunist when You are grown up?
Back to the present article with regards to
"「蔣介石」惡靈". He was dead 32 years ago. His
accomplishment in Chinese history with merit is
more than demirits. To those who followed him
from Mainland China to Taiwan, he was our Savior.
A comment of that kind is really unfair particularly
to a deceased man, your action constitutes
the abuse of your power. I do not know whether
your father is still alive. If he is still alive, excuse me,
I will keep my mouth shut. I respect everyone
in this world. I hate to use the dirty mouth on
a deceased figure. I don't want to disturb your
father, if deceases, and make him mad by jumping
out from his grave saying
"Look, son, that is not the way to treat a deceased
man who had been in the grave for 32 years.
Young man, I am still wanting to live a quite
life in the heaven. Do me a favor, will you?"
Well, I do not want to continue this kind of
conversation. I like to quote YST's commet:
Let me just ask you a question:
"CT網路主筆室黃創夏,「 你說「蔣介石」是惡靈,這是鞭屍.
Are you mentally fit for your job?