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2014/05/21 18:09:46瀏覽419|回應2|推薦8
Without American Attorney's assistance, I
will continue representing myself until I find alternative.
A civil lawsuit of mine against Commander-in-chief of Army
ROC turned out to be a criminal lawsuit initiated by Taipei
DA against him on the ground of Anti-Universal Human
Right Art 22 & 23 DA. for his act of Abuse of power.
let's see Uncle Sam how to interprete it. Will it apply
case #10208 or I have to find other way to win the case?
He knowsI that I don't have property anywhere.
The Instalment Note is the source of income monthly 
for our old age living expenses. I bought Muir Lodge in 1990 and
had lived there more than 22 years. I have paid taxes faithfully.
Freezing my note would mean depriving my means of living
with exception of US$403 monthly from Social Security which
is not enough to pay monthly mortgage i.e.My daughter mansion
in Japan. I am seeking help from other sources. Mari, my wife,
has confidence in American Judicial system and believe the out
come will be in our favor because no concret evidence no one
would believe in plaintiff's saying only. In the mean time,
I am asking Federal Superior Court of Fresno whether I can file
a lawsuit to revert the case untill final verdict. I do not
know how long would it take and we, our family, have a life to live.
If that suspension take a year I am in an opinion that would constitues
anti-Declaration of Human right Art #22 & 23 
(which means derives our means of living with hard earned
money to live on! Hey, Uncle Sam,  I came to U.S with one M in
1990 and 22 years I had been working from hand to mouth.
I could not claim mine is one of American's dreams.)  
世界人權宣言Article 22.Everyone, as a member of society,
has the right to social 
security and is entitled to realization,
through national effort 
and international co-operation and in
accordance with the 
organization and resources of each State,
of the economic,
social and cultural rights indispensable for his
dignity and 
the free development of his personality.
  • 第二十二条每个人,作为社会的一员,有权享受社会保障,
    Article 23.
  • (1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice +
             of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work 
             and to protection against unemployment.
  • (2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to 
              equal pay for equal work.
  • (3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable 
              remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an
              existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, 
              if necessary, by other means of social protection.
  • (4) Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions
              for the protection of his interests.
    ㈠ 人人有权工作自由选择职业、享受公正和合适的工作条件并享受

    ㈡ 人人有同工同酬的权利,不受任何歧视。
    属有一个符合人的生活 条件,必要时并辅以其他方式的社会保障。 
  • ㈣ 人人有为维护其利益而组织和参加工会的权利。 
    ( This drafted message is what my intention
    will be if itconstitutes an email of improper nature.)
    Michael Han and Mari Kitamori in ////////////////- Hamahcho, Hunabashi
    Chiba, Japan Tel:81-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                                       Dated 27th of May,2014S
  • To Superior Court of the State California In and for the County of Mariposa

Tove Fox,


Michael K Han, Muir Lodge Motel, Masahiko

Kitamori Emi Kitamori,Mari Kitamori and does 1~  inclusive,


No. :0010208

Follow up of Michael Han, self representing in this case, in support

of motion to set aside  default and

default Judgement




Your Honor, please review the attached evidences, case #10208 lacks
Mariposa Superior court jurisdiction.  The reasons are:

1. Based on the grand deed of Muir Lodge Motel at time of incident ,it was a fact that

  Muir Lodge Motel were owned by Han’s family. That is to say that:

 A Han an alien ROC citizen owned 42.5% some time residing in Taiwan no fixed address.

 B. Mari Kitamori , an alien Japanese wife owned 42.5% residing in Japan

 C. Masahiko Kitamori, my son,  an alien Japanese owned 7.5% residing In NY. U.S.A.

 D. Emi Kitamori, my daughter an alien Japanese owned 7.5% residing in Japan

     All 3 of them , alien owned 57.5% .

2. A.B..D  members are now residing in foreign countries

3. Online Googling find the definition of jurisdiction: jurisdiction refers to the
   inherent authority of a court to hear a case and to declare a judgment.
  When a plaintiff seeks to initiate a suit, he or she  must determine where
  to file the complaint. The plaintiff must file suit in a court that has

  jurisdiction over the case. If the court does not have jurisdiction,
 the defendant may challenge the suit on that ground, and the suit may be
 dismissed, or its result may be overturned in a subsequent action by one of the
 parties in the case.”
4. Further the precedence of such case for your review:

  The case of Matao “Eddie” Yokeno, an alien admitted to the United States for permanent

  residence in Guam, vs. Emil Lai, a British overseas citizen, and Sawako Sekiguchi, a
 Japanese citizen, should be removed from the District Court of Guam because it also
 lacks jurisdiction. Lai and Sekiguchi live in Japan.
5.I, the defendant, challenge your right to declare the judgement for Plaintiff by ordering

money to give to Tove Fox on the ground of all aliens risiding in foreign countries.

6. Being defendant, we do have right to exame the evidence of plaintiffs clained injury.

On Feb 10th hearing it was improper not to let defendant, Mr. Han, to take a look
at evidences Tove Fox presented. It looked sounded fishy in this hearing $125,000

is not small amount for us to earn. We need tansparency of evidences to be examined.
. The code: "A summon is served in the United States by ordinary mail but
Michael J.Villeggiante sent summon to Japan repeatedly.The Judge has
right to allow it.
I believe that you have  the power to decide what ever
you think it fits My
presenting the above is for reference only
and wonder why not order all the legal forms being made

ready to American embassy so as to let foreignner access

easily. !     (   page 1)

8.The legal contention of this lawsuit is your holding view with evidence on Mike Barns
  email “MIchael Han had intention to ignore the SUMMON”; while Mr. Han has been
  fighting the fabricated case against Tove Fox’s lawsuit for broken leg with the intention
  to get illegal compensation ($125,000 if it turn out to be real fabrication!)

9.This case #10208 even thought its a closed case.it needs to be overturned

by Federal district Court on accoiunt of lack jurisdiction.

After your order of restraining disposition dated April 1,,2014, the order was taken into

effect that I have no income to my bank A/C. Since I don’t have other income except

Pension US$403 which is not enough to pay my daughter’s home mortgage, I returned

to Japanese Home on May 19 2014 to live with my  wife and daughter. That is my life

what it is and I will take it as it goes.

We have had family meeting. We decided that case #10208 must go on and let Federal

district court to decide the case. All we want is justice.  We believe in the American judicial system.
 We believe your  wisdom. The righteousness will prevail.

This file is executed in Hunabashi our home dated June 1st , 2014 by

      Michael Han


Encl: Copies of famiy menber possport


          Service lists:

To: The Presiding Judge Dana Walton

Mariposa Superior Court

P.O.Box 28

Mariposa  CA 95338


Daniel R. Weltin,Esp.

Michael J. Villeggiante, Esp.

Weltin,Street & Weltin,LLP

1432 Martin Luther King Jr. Way

Oakland, CA 94612    U.S.A

Court of Appeal in Fresno

Fifth District Court of Appeal

2424 Ventura Street

Fresno CA 93721 U.S.A.

Hugues P. Ogier

American Consul

city of Tokyo

Embassy of the United States of America

( 時事評論公共議題 )
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2014/05/28 22:44





2014/05/28 12:56
案件10208 是否出蝴蝶城法律管理範圍?且被告事主均住國外之外籍國人,法院是否有審判權?