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狼來了 ? !
2016/04/20 05:20:40瀏覽907|回應3|推薦26



Dr. Ron Paul

長話短說 ~ Ron Paul: 『山姆叔叔 (US, Uncle Sam) 印空頭美鈔度日,或許有朝一日,美金不值錢 ? ! 』


瞎摸着象: Ron Paul 等 蛋頭 書呆子﹐腦筋 不清楚﹐所言 無異於『狼來了』﹐杞人憂天﹐似是而非。  哭哭哭哭

問題的關鍵 在 "Currency" ~ 通貨。 or 金。 Current Demand vs Current Supply。 Goods and services that money 当下 can buy。  三條線哦想什麼



蘇联垮台 時﹐店裡麵包一会兒就賣完了。

美國 店裡麵包 任何時候﹐堆積如山。



老朽: 戲夢人生﹐別太認真﹐听 這些 害人的 謊言 (之前 兩段影片)﹐不如 听歌 ? !

"Oh Shenandoah." (Harmonica by Paul Hall of paulhallart.)

More 好听 的 歌 → http://classic-blog.udn.com/mbr8879576/article?f_ART_CATE=446424
( 知識學習商業管理 )
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2018/10/25 16:48

滑人 包肥
don't put too much stock in Icahn's a "day of reckoning"
2016/04/29 22:13
Icahn also said Thursday on CNBC the Federal Reserve's prolonged low interest rates could create "tremendous bubbles."

Responding to Icahn, Buffett. the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, took a more philosophical approach.

"Interest rates act on asset values like gravity works on physical matter," he said. "If you had zero interest rates and you knew you were going to have them forever, stocks should sell at, you know, 100 times earnings or 200 times earnings."

Buffett acknowledged rates have been lower for longer than most people had expected and that's pushed investors into the stock market because of the lack of yield elsewhere.

"When interest rates were 15 percent with [Paul] Volcker, you know, it was an enormous gravitational pull on all assets, not just stocks," Buffett said — referring to a period of time during Volcker's time as Fed chairman, a post he held from 1979 to 1987. "If you can get 15 percent, it makes the choices way different than if you get zero."

As far as negative rates, seen in Europe and Japan, Buffett does not believe they signal the end of the world. But readily, he admits the idea is "uncharted territory," saying he hopes to "live to find out" how the story ends.

Sharing a view with Icahn, Buffett believes the obsession among Republicans on Capitol Hill about the national debt is misplaced. "The national debt as a percentage of GDP is a little higher than I would like it, but the main thing is not to have it galloping upward"

"There are countries around with much greater debt to GDP ratio than what we have. What we have is not dangerous," he continued. "Debt can only be evaluated in relation to future income producing capabilities, and the countries with income producing capabilities have never been larger and they keep growing."

摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
深入淺出 說明 〝現〞金 的 義意 ? !
2016/04/22 13:01

看了下面的笑話﹐您就明白為何 Ron Paul 等人 是 白痴 ? !

政客是這麼來的(The making of a politician)

A father told his 3 sons when he sent them to the university: "I feel it's my duty to provide you with the best possible education, and you do not owe me anything for that. However, I want you to appreciate it. As a token, please each put $1,000 into my coffin when I die."

And so it happened. His sons became a doctor, a lawyer and a financial planner, each very successful financially. When their father's time had come and they saw their father in the coffin, they remembered his wish.

First, it was the doctor who put 10 --- $100 bills onto the chest of the deceased.

Then, came the financial planner, who also put $1,000 there.

Finally, it was the heartbroken lawyer's turn. He dipped into his pocket, took out his checkbook, wrote a check for $3,000, put it into his father's coffin, and took the $2,000 cash.

這位律師兒子後來進了央行。 He later went on to serve in Fed Reserve.