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2010/08/14 00:39:50瀏覽1257|回應5|推薦14
..... 白髮漁樵, 江渚上, 慣看秋月春風,..... 

~~~明 楊慎  http://www.wretch.cc/blog/trackphy/20604314

看不慣的是 一些蛋頭學者, 閉門造車, 只出不進?


老朽看他 目光如豆,想 開他眼。

上了 search engine Bing 找到他的 Home Page

從頭到尾, 只見自我貼金, 吹噓,看不到留言處 !  只出不進? 狉貅 ?

類似的情形,若您有 獨到的見解,想告知當權者,或它們身旁的 智庫,軍師,還真是不得其門而入! (攻心為上)

在美國,妳可以 email 給 Obama, Senator, House Representative. 但它們看不到妳的觀點,它們的左右, 會回妳一封,言不及義 的 官方回應。

例如,老朽建議, 救美國經濟,救失業,從兩岸三地進口移民,官方回應 是 墨西哥非法移民改革? 牛頭不對馬嘴!

老朽 建議: http://blog.udn.com/mbr8879576/3226334

( 時事評論媒體出版 )
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摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
To Joseph Stiglitz: jes322@columbia.edu
2010/10/05 20:21
China, Taiwan, Hong-Kong together today holds the largest foreign exchange reserve in the world.

Yet, the housing there is expensive, about 2-4, 5 times more than the States.

The air pollution, the water shortage, the tight housing makes the States look like heaven to those living in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong-Kong, Taipei.

The cost of moving to New York is $70,000 - $80,000 on the black market today, often risk life during the Mexican border crossing !

There are 3,500,000 foreclosure housing today in the States.

The problem of the American Economy is lack of demand.

The demand of housing, auto, furniture, appliance, .....

All these problems can be easily solved, if Uncle Sam sells legal residence @ $100,000 a piece.

With active promotion in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong-Kong, Taipei, with a monthly quota limit of 500,000. the recession can be over in 7 month ?

摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
The best quick fix to the poor US economy:
2010/08/29 03:52
The cost of housing in the Far East (NE Asia) is going thru the roof at this very moment.

The solution is simply courting these folks who are tired of sky rocketing high cost of housing there, together with traffic jam, air pollution, lack of freedom in Beijing, Shanghai, HongKong, Taipei, Tokyo,.....

If millions relocate here, the demand of housing, auto, appliance, furniture, ..... will end the recession.

In 1997, when Communist China took over Hongkong from British rule, mass relocation from HongKong to Vancouver, B.C. Canada actually made Vancouver a booming town today !

Have you visited Beijing, Shanghai, HongKong, Taipei,
Vancouver lately ?

2010/08/22 02:44



不僅經濟上的; 種族上的門羅主義, 即將在美國形成主流輿論

反猶太與種族隔離不是希特勒的專利, 這在美國歷史與人性本質上可以得到驗證

摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2010-08-22 05:48 回覆:


某些本省人,盲目地(228?) 敵視外省人,.....

老朽感受深刻 !

摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
To Paul Krugman: @princeton.edu
2010/08/14 02:00
Nassim Nicholas Taleb wrote: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-08-11/asia-day-ahead-nassim-taleb-says-betting-on-collapse-of-government-bonds.html

Obviously, an Egg Head
lives in an ivory tower ?

USA is different from the eve when Soviet Russia collapsed.

One can not find much bread on the shelf in Moscow then. 

If one walks in any super market, any department store in any shopping center in the USA today.  there are tons goods on the shelf. 

In the mean time, across the pacific ocean, the cost per square foot housing shoots thru the roof.  the pollution, the traffic jam, the high cost of housing make these folks want to move to the states in a heart beat if Uncle Sam let them. 

China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong-kong together, hold ? trillions of US dollars ?

If Uncle Sam let in half million immigrant from Beijing, Hongkong, Taipei, Tokyo, the recession in USA will be over in 6 months.  Imaging the increased demand of housing, cars, furniture, appliance, ..... ?

Have you visited Beijing lately ? 

摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
泰力布 《黑天鵝效應》
2010/08/14 00:42
蛋頭學者 象牙塔 看經濟 ?  

到美國超市 Supermarket,購物中心shopping center,百貨店Department Store 看看?貨物推積如山!

再看看 老共手中 2.4 兆 美金外匯,日本,南韓,台,港,..... 美金外匯 .....

而北京, 東京, 香港,台北 房價 冲上天!



美國景氣回春 !