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散户 股海 戰 華爾街 巨鱷
2020/07/15 06:14:45瀏覽1258|回應5|推薦22
楔子1:   http://classic-blog.udn.com/mbr8879576/138804821?raid=8953597#rep8953597

楔子2:   http://classic-blog.udn.com/mbr8879576/138804821

行走江湖﹐獨行俠 遊走於 各大名門幫派 之間﹐一般 或是 雙拳難敵 千手觀音。 股市 類似 江湖。 華爾街 巨鱷 環伺。 它們 可是 財力雄厚,動軋 美金 幾十億 ? ! 操盤的 聰明才智﹐可想而知 ~ 頂尖 中的 頂尖。 再加上 政商關係﹐ 情報 知訊﹐硬軟體﹐ ..... 各方面 都 強過 升斗小民的 老朽。

但 庚子年 新冠瘟神 下凡﹐一切 平常 秩序 都 亂了套。 三條線哦

往年 S&P 500 index 呼風喚雨。 巨鱷 有一招﹐稱 Program Trading。 以 电腦 人工智慧(artificial intelligence) 分析 大數據 行情。 一旦時機成熟﹐啟動程式﹐电腦 下單 一波波﹐排山倒海﹐驚濤駭浪﹐有如海嘯。

2020 三月十五 見識過一次。GDX 走勢 竟然 與 風馬牛 不相及 的 SPY 亦步亦趨﹐跳 同步 探哥。 http://classic-blog.udn.com/mbr8879576/131946872?raid=8922500#rep8922500

昨天 皇曆: 『日值月破﹐大事不宜』。 老朽 盯盤 近午﹐看似 平淡﹐偷空 上超市 買牛乳。 回到家﹐ 乖乖 GDX 跌到 似乎 有機可乘﹐進了一筆。 之後 續跌﹐祭出 樓梯法﹐又進了一筆。 但越看 越不對勁﹐GDX 走勢 竟然 與 風馬牛 不相及  的 SPY 亦步亦趨﹐完全 同步。 不用說 帳面 跌得 甚 難看。  哭哭哭哭


今天 GDX 回漲 。 不但 昨天 虧損 的 都回來了﹐ 還 &商呣(Some) ... 好好

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摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
高盛 同意支付 貪腐 賄賂 罰款 總金額超過50億美元。
2020/10/24 16:27
高盛 同意支付 貪腐 賄賂 罰款 總金額超過50億美元。


『The various settlements include partial credits for payments made to other countries, leaving Goldman with a total bill for the scandal of $5.1 billion, according to a company filing. It could still face civil penalties.』 https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/22/business/goldman-sachs-1mdb-settlement/index.html

摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
華爾街 巨鱷 bully 金市 on Thursday, August 24, 2020
2020/08/31 15:11
Thursday, August 24, 2020 @ Jackson hole﹐ 世界 央行 會議﹐美聯儲 主席 Move inflation rate 把關 a bit higher than before (2%)


釋義 ~ The change means the low interest rate will be tolerated more than before (From 2% inflation rate to a bit more)。 金價看漲 ?

然而 当天 GDX 大跌,第二天 才 大回漲。 明顯 華爾街 巨鱷 陽謀 (強姦? Bully?) 市場。


摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2020-08-31 15:21 回覆:


炒金 仍須防 大盤崩跌﹐市埸 棄車保帥 效應。

摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
華爾街 巨鱷 "Spoofing" 散户 (升斗小民)
2020/08/20 07:31
Scotiabank to pay more than $127 million to settle spoofing and precious metals market manipulation case

摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2020-09-30 05:30 回覆:

The Justice Department or the CFTC fine J.P.Morgan near 1 billion dollars (920 millions) for "spoofing" the Gold market.   https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-09-29/jpmorgan-pays-920-million-admits-misconduct-in-spoofing-probe

The CFTC said that the bank will pay a record $920 million fine for manipulating precious metals markets duringan eight-year period that involved hundreds of thousands of spoof orders.

“This action sends the important message that if you engage in manipulative and deceptive trade practices you will be caught, punished, and forced to give up your ill-gotten gains,” said. Division of Enforcement Director James McDonald.

“Spoofing is illegal—pure and simple,” added. CFTC Chairman Heath P. Tarbert. “This record-setting enforcement action demonstrates the CFTC’s commitment to being tough on those who intentionally break our rules, no matter who they are. Attempts to manipulate our markets won’t be tolerated.”

In the press release the CFTC said that from at least 2008 through 2016 the bank, through numerous traders on its precious metals and Treasuries trading desks, including the heads of both desks placed hundreds of thousands of orders with the intent of cancelling them before they could be executed.

“Through these spoof orders, the traders intentionally sent false signals of supply or demand designed to deceive market participants into executing against other orders they wanted filled,” the CFTC said. “JPMS, a registered futures commission merchant, failed to identify, investigate, and stop the misconduct.”

摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2021-07-23 20:18 回覆:
https://www.livemint.com/market/commodities/gold-trader-brags-in-chat-how-easy-to-manipulate-prices-11626922744800.html     「Edward Bases and fellow Merrill Lynch trader John Pacilio face federal fraud charges for allegedly spoofing the futures market from 2008 to 2014。 On Jan. 28, 2009, when Bases was working at Deutsche Bank AG, he put out bids to buy 2,740 gold futures contracts valued around $244 million over the course of four-and-a-half minutes, according to Maria Garibotti, a vice president at Analysis Group who studied exchange and trading data for prosecutors. More than 98% were canceled without being filled, she said. On the opposite side of the market, a fellow Deutsche Bank trader Bases coordinated with sold his 170 contracts worth $15,172,500 as the price rose, Garibotti told jurors on Wednesday. Chanu and another Deutsche Bank Trader, James Vorley, were sentenced last month to a year in prison each for their convictions in 2020 on spoofing charges at a separate trial。」     https://ourcommunitynow.com/news/581d9491-ba0a-417a-85c5-ffdf9375b1ec

crazy market
2020/07/15 14:58
Luck is driving investors' gain in this crazy market.
摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2020-07-19 00:22 回覆:

2020/07/15 13:27
摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2020-07-19 00:17 回覆:
摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2020-07-16 06:37 回覆:
Thanks ... 昨夜的悔恨 劉燕華
摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2020-07-17 17:55 回覆:
Help me make it through the night 
