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Blog and Life
2009/05/21 22:12:15瀏覽729|回應1|推薦1

My blog is important for me in the life of Su-zhou. In fact, I rely on my blog psychologically. As a fulltime mother, I am secretly proud of what I write down.

I myself want to read the article again and even after time passed by, therefore, I want to record the joy and happiness, instead of annoyance and complaint. In case anything negative happen in my life, only when it turn into something funny then I maybe write it down. It means, for the disturbing situation that I have not yet figure out, I choose to keep it in my heart remaining silence.

Recently I got the dilemma: I do not want to have angry words and it makes my life looks like full of joy, however, peace and love is not always available.

In one word, ANGRY, I am not in the writing mood.

My fire is set up so I go exercise and home-made sweet. What a healthy way to ease my anger. For the days I stop updating my blog, I kept thinking what should I write for?

I still want my blog be there for the joy of life,

Life does suck in some way; mine is different from yours. By any means, I still try my best to turn happiness out. Happiness is not always something original, but maybe in the end, after we go through the whole challenge, I hope it might be there.

Thanks for the blog, I do feel the warmness. I will keep moving in my life.


Checking my previous blog articles, I did complain in some way. Maybe my negative message is not successfully delivered, or people just want to read what they are interested in. Then, I found blog can help me not only to remind the pleasure moment, but also to do the statistics in order that I can figure out my life as more objective and rational way then the subjective and emotional way.

Blog helps.

( 休閒生活雜記 )
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I don't know what to say, but..
2009/05/22 13:04
I don't know what to say to make you feel better, but for what it is worth, your blog makes me happy too. My husband and I enjoy your photos, the mountain you went to looked just like the one in "Kung Fu Panda". Please keep going, nobody can take your happiness away from you, it is always in your heart.

Mei-wen Wang(maywang1999) 於 2009-05-22 15:14 回覆:
Thanks a lot. I do appreciate your words.