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Stupid of history and culture have had troubled and afflicted to us for a long,a long time.So,as we will be looking forward to ending of history of rendezvous with destiny ; we will bear the principles of independent-reliance,and,above all, responsible freedom for our every individual Taiwanese that we will become that shining sign in the world. - 台灣窮小子



 Studied&Copyrighted @ 台灣窮小子 03212013


頑固的歷史與文化困擾和折磨我們很久了,是以,我們期待終結歷史的命運交匯;我們將堅持的原則-獨立自主,最重要的是,負責任的自由;我們的每一個台灣人將會是全球閃亮的標誌 - 台灣窮小子

終 結歷史的國家核心利益藍圖是國家價值與地位基礎;同時,保證國家政治,軍事與經濟狀態,並聯合民眾的精神潛力,所匯集的國家聯合作戰能力;這是不相關於古 老的歷史與文化!簡單來說,國家核心利益藍圖,決定在全面性的國家,社會與民眾個人的基本利益-獨立與自由!國家核心利益藍圖,保護與保證,國家主權與國 土完整,社會與經濟穩定無條件維護與執行法律秩序,同時,建立與發展,全球合作夥伴關係體系;這是不相關於古老的歷史與文化,簡單來說,我們是可信賴的夥 伴!國家核心利益藍圖,包括,全面性的國家,社會與民眾的基本利益其,決定在國家內部政治,軍事,與經濟領域,並且,領導國家文化靈魂與生命!這是不相關 於古老的歷史與文化!換句話說,終結歷史,在現階段的戰略利益是包括,維護獨立,自由與民眾安全的生活與提升技術,智慧發展!國家核心利益藍圖在經濟領域 是至關重要的!全面性的作戰方案是執行穩定運作的國家科學與技術,以提供優質的,有競爭力的消費品和服務,特別是,國防備戰行動!這是不相關於古老的歷史 與文化!國家核心利益一個非常卓越的因素是:國家經濟能力,提供給民眾有價值的生活質量與條件;這是機會!讓民眾實現夢想在創造性努力與人文精神需求!是 以,國家核心利益具有重要戰略意義與終結歷史的角度來看;這是保證發展與保護,產業利益,同時,驅動創新和投資行動,維護科學與技術的努力!這是不相關於 古老的歷史與文化,簡單來說,這是國家與民眾的潛力!
國 家經濟穩定發展的原則,也是具有標準的國家調控經濟進程,保證穩定的經濟操作和發展並,確保再平衡的作戰解決方案,與保護國土環境;滿足未來社會與民眾的 需求任務和存在的關鍵問題!這是不相關於古老的歷史與文化,簡單來說這是國家與民眾的未來視域與資產!保證與保護在地的專業化生產是:穩固國家核心經濟與 利益的重要性;國家核心利益,包括,獨立,自由與民主,並維護社會和諧,升級積極性的文化創新與國家人文精神!最後是,國家核心利益在於建立國家產業經濟 關係以,確保實現在地企業的利益與產量作戰效率,與經濟成長;簡單來說,國家核心利益是國家經濟競爭力,拒絕頑固的歷史與文化作戰行動與壓制戰術!這是不 相關於古老的歷史與文化,簡單來說,這是國家動員作戰能力!


其 實,國家核心利益藍圖是反擊頑固歷史與文化的犯罪;特別是,根深蒂固的貪汙系統;是以,終結歷史是創建與擬訂,一個全面性有效的作戰系統,以確保國家,社 會與民眾的保護;並且,監控頑固歷史與文化的犯罪層級!長期以來,頑固的歷史與文化是位列有組織犯罪的恐怖與極端主義;特別是,貪汙的非法行動!所以,終 結歷史是保護,國家社會與民眾的安全與權利;這是不論其國籍與身份,換句話說,確保國家未來必然性的歷史責任!終結歷史-國家核心利益藍圖是保護與保證, 國家穩定,國土完整,公平的法律和秩序,同時,完成建立一個獨立,自由與民主社會的進程;這也包括中,立化的條件因素,並且,反擊國家與社會之間的暴力歷 史與文化極端主義與恐怖主義,也包括,分離主義;終結歷史是形成一個有效的國家預防機制與系統,同步地,強化國家社會與民眾的努力與作戰能力!是以,終結 歷史-國家核心利益藍圖是一個負責任的全面合作的協調狀態來面對國家,社會與民眾利益;以確保國家政治,軍事與經濟穩定,這是不相關於頑固的歷史與文化! 簡單來說,終結歷史是我們國家的歷史任務,並且,建構全面解決未來的國家策略部署,並確保我們作為一個大國地位的發展;另外是,終結歷史-國家核心利益藍 圖,也是在很大程度上,決定國家政治,軍事的科學,人文與文化領域的改變進程;這是非常重要的,終結歷史,建立一個高級的,國家科學,人文願景,與發展千 百年歷史與文化精神傳承!這是不相關於頑固的歷史與文化!實現終結歷史-國家核心利益藍圖是國家策略目標,其要求,國家作戰執行,以預防頑固的歷史與文化 摧毀的機率,並確保國家,社會與民眾的價值思維,與國家科學技術,人文與智慧,發展,保護與強化;這是不相關於頑固的歷史與文化!終結歷史-國家核心利益 藍圖在政治領域,不僅是國內,甚至,區域或全球範圍,它是積極的策略部署的作戰目標,也包括,外交,這也是不相關於頑固的歷史與文化!特別是,建立與發 展,平等夥伴關係,尤其是,美國,強化國家技術在經濟和軍事力量的核心!強化國家政治與經濟進程,終結歷史-國家核心利益藍圖,將伴演重要的角色,首先 是,強化國家的終結歷史集體機制!特別是,打擊跨國性暴力歷史與文化,極端與恐怖主義的全球聯合作戰發展!這在國家未來進程,尤其是,一個勿庸置疑的優先 作戰等級,以確保國家穩定,社會和諧與保護國家憲法;因為國家利益在很大程度上,決定於終結歷史的聯合作戰關係性質!終結歷史,符合國家利益,並加強對話 與合作,尤其是,強化全球和區域安全,與創造有利條件在國家科學技術等領域;總之,終結歷史-國家核心利益藍圖,也是保護與保障,國家尊嚴,與全球公認的 獨立,自由與民主權利,也包括,海外的國民;這類不相關於頑固又古老的歷史與文化!


台 灣的終結歷史的國家軍事人文哲學藍圖,正式接受來自,暴力歷史與文化極端主義與恐怖主義的威脅與挑戰;這是確保國家,社會與個人安全範圍的作戰目標與國家 戰略報告,與反映,國家政治經濟,社會,軍事,並依據現有的國家資源和潛在的資訊與環境,也包括,其他性質在未來;這類是不相關於古老的歷史,文化與哲 學!國家軍事人文哲學藍圖,擬定國家未來策略與政策的主要作戰原則與方向;藍圖是保證與保護,中華民國台灣的國家安全領域中,擬定的具體作戰方案的基礎; 這類是不相關於古老的歷史文化與哲學
面 對當前與未來的狀況下,全球模式的主要特徵是建立一個安全空間的趨勢來強化;安全空間的信號顯示是:強化整合導向型政治軍事與經濟的多邊機制;特別是,科 學與技術因素將,發揮越來越大的戰術作用,並保留,國家軍力在全球夥伴關係的策略定義;同時,確保自然與市場資源的全球競爭力!不可否認,這將是很長的路 要走;這類是不相關於古老的歷史,文化與哲學未來二十年的全球關係發展,將是開闢國家新機會以,確保其安全性;但需要國家地位的改變,與面對國家內部,困 難又頑固的歷史與文化的威脅;畢竟,全球各國之間的發展差距會變大,也因而將會形成一個新的全球夥伴關係的未來趨勢與方向;是以,在當前的程度;終結歷史 是嘗試建立一個單面的關鍵解決計畫,包括,軍力重新再部署;因為全球政治關係體系,依然強大!終結歷史是建立新的夥伴關係,強化對話與新的法律效用;當面 對與解決有爭議的國際問題的先決條件!所有的終結歷史是自基本上,打開新的機會,啟動國家資源,解決頑固的歷史與文化的老問題;總之,終結歷史是廣泛的整 合革命與全球相連的繁榮願景!這是不相關於古老的歷史與文化!





Ending of history national core benefits of studies blueprint.

1,(Economy chapter)

Stupid of history and culture have troubled and afflicted to us for a long,a long time.So,as we will be looking forward to ending of history of rendezvous with destiny ; we will bear the principles of independent-reliance,and,above all, responsible freedom for our every individual Taiwanese that we will become that shining sign in the world. - 台灣窮小子
Ending of history national core benefits of studies blueprint is based on national value and position,at the same time,promised by nation's political,military,and economic of the state,and jointed by peoples' spiritual-potential,in which,in order to gather together of the national joint war-fighting capabilities.These are not related to age-old history and culture.Simply put,national core benefits of blueprint is determining to comprehensive of the fundamental interests of the nation,society,and individual-independence and freedom.National core benefits of blueprint is proming and protecting national sovereignty and homeland integrity ; social and economic stability ; unconditional execution and maintenance of laws and orders,at the same time,the establishment and development of global cooperative partnerships framework.These are not related to the age-old history and culture,and simply put,we are reliable pals.National core benefits of blueprint is including the comprehensive of nation,social,and people of the fundamental interests which are determining om nation's internal of political,military,and economic extents,besides,lead on national culture, spirit,and life.These are not related to the age-old history and culture,in other words,ending of history is now  stage the strategic interests including maintain independence,freedom,and peoples' security of life,and advance technological-intellectual development.
National core benefits of blueprint is in the economic extents are important.
The comprehensive of war-fighting solution is to execute the stable operating of national science-technoligy,in which,in order to provide good- quality,with competitive consumer goods and services,in particular,national defense armaments.These are not related to the age-old history and culture.National core benefits remarkably important factor are national economic ability,in order to provide people with worthy quality and living conditions of life,this is an opportunity,that make people achieves their dreams in creative efforts and humanistic spirit needs.So,as national core benefits are having strategically important definition,and  viewpoint of ending of history that these are promising development and prorecting industrial interests,at the samr time,driving innovation and investment activity ; the maintenance of a scientific-technological efforts.These are not related to the age-old history and culture.Simply put,this is national capacity with people.A most important condition for ending of history executing national core benefits in this extents,that are the national economy to stable development of principles,aslo,having re-balanced war-fighting solutions,and protecting homeland environment,in which,in order to meeting social and prople keys of demands,and missions,existence problems for the future.These are not related to the age-old history and culture.Simply put,this is national visions and assets with people for the future.In promise and ptotection and developmen in the locals' production specialization are of combining importance to the national core ecomony interest.National core interest include the combination of independence,freedom ,and democracy,the maintenance of social consonance,upgrade of the cultural innovation activeness,and the humanistic spirit of nation.Finally is,national core interests recline in building for nation's industrial economic relarions that ensure the achievement of local industries interests,and productiive war-fighting efficiency and economic growth.Simply put,national core interests are equal to nation's economic competitiveness,in which,in order to rejects war-fighting actions and striked  tactics in the stupid of history and culture.These are not related to the age-old history and culture.Simply put,this is war-fighting capabilitty for national mobilization.

2,(Politicial chapter)

In fact,national core benefits of blueprint is to defeat stupid of history and culture of crime,and in particularly,they are deep-rooted of corruptive systrms.So,as ending of history is to establish and elaborate a comprehensive,an effective of war-fighting system that ensure protection of nation,society,and people,besides,monitoring the level of crime of stubborn of history and culture.In longer term,stupid of history and culture are placings in organized crime of terrorism and extremism,in particular,corruption for unlawful actions,so,ending of history is to protect nation,society,and people of security and rights.These are no matter what nationality,citizenship.In other words,we will ensure national inevitability of historical responsibility for the future.Ending of history - national core benefits of blueprint is to promise and protect national stability,homeland integrity,and equal of law and order,at the same time,in completing the process of building a independent,free,and democratic society ; this also including in neutralizing the factors and conditions,besides,defeats historical-cultural violence terrorism and extremism between nation and society,and including separatism,too.Ending of history is to be directed toward a national mechanism of effective preventive system,and step by step,intensified nation,society and peopls's efforts and war-fighting capabilities.So,as Ending of history - national core benefits of blueprint is a responsible of comprehensive cooperation among the coordinative states,in which,in order to meeting nation,society,and people's interests,that ensure nation's political,military,and economic stabilities.These are not related to stupid of history and culture.Simply put,ending of history is our national history mission,and than,establishes the comprehensive of national strategic deployment,besides,ensure the development our nation as a super power.Moreover,also,Ending of history - national core benefits of blueprint is in largely determine on nation's political,military of sphere of science,humanity,and culture the process of change.It is extraordinarily important to ending of history,that establish in national science-humanity of visions,and develop the thousands-hundreds years spiritual history and culture.These are not related to stupid of history and culture.The comprehension of Ending of history - national core benefits of blueprint is national strategic objective which requires national war-fighting executions,and prevents the possibility of clawing down stupid of history and culture,and ensures the nation,society,and people values concepts and national science,technology,humanity,and intellectual development,protection,and consolidation.These are not related to stupid of history and culture.Ending of history - national core benefits of blueprint is in political extent,not only domestic,even.regional,or global extents,which its is an active strategic deployment for war-fighting objective,also including,foreign policy.and these are not related to stubborn of history and culture,too.In particular,development and establishment of equal partnership,especially,U.S;and intensify national technology in the core of economic and military forces.Intensify nation's political and economic processes,Ending of history - national core benefits of blueprint will be play an important role,at first,the strengthening of those mechanisms of collective of the national ending of history.In particular,the development of global joint operation in combating transnational historical-cultural violence extremism and terrorism.An undoubted war-fighting priority in national process for the future,that ensure national stability,social concordance,and protect national constitution.Because of national benefits are largely determined by the nature of ending of history of relations with joint operation.Ending of history accords with national benefits,to strengthening dialogue and cooperation,especially,intensifying global and regional security,and create advantageous conditions in the national science-technology extents.In short,also,Ending of history - national core benefits of blueprint is to promise and protect national dignity,and globally recognized rights of independence,freedom,and democracy,also including,our compatriots abroad.These are not related to stupid and the age-old of history and culture.

3,National military humane philosophy

Taiwan's ending of history national military philosophy of  humane studies blueprint express from historical-cultural violence extremism and terrorism of threats and challenges,that ensures the security of nation,society and individual from war-fighting objective and national strategy report,in which,in order to reflecting the nation's political,economic,social,military,besides,according with existing national resources and potential informations and environments,also,including other nature in the future.These are not related to age-old of history,culture and philosophy.The national military philosophy of  humane studies blueprint describes key war-fighting principles and directions of national strategy and policy.The Blueprint is promising and protecting national security the R.O.C./Taiwan where is the basis for simplification of specific war-fighting  programs.These are not related to age-old of history,culture and philosophy.
R.O.C. within the global community
We face current and future the situation in the global mode is build a primarily by the intensifying of trends toward the secure space.The single of secure space shows that intensifes integration-oriented associations in multilateral  mechanisms for politic,military,and economy.In particular,scientific and technical conditions will play an increasing tactics roles,besides,retain national military force strategic significance in the global partnership.At the same time,global competitiveness to ensure natural and markets resources.It cannot denied that it has been a long way to go,and these are not related to age-old of history,culture and philosophy.The future of two decades in the development of global relations opens up for the nation new opportunities to ensure its security.But,threats connected with the change in national position within difficulties and stubborns of history and culture in carrying out nation's internal change.After all,gap development between global countries will be bigger,also,as a result,that will be the trend of and directions in the formation of a new global partnership in the future.So,as current plane,ending of history attempts to build a one-sided of the key solutions,including,military force re-deployment.Because of global political-relations are still strong.Ending of history is to build new partnership,intensify dialogue with new law efficacy ; when we face and solve the preconditions for disputed interstate problems.All of ending of history opens up fundamentally new opportunities to start national resources to solve stubborn of history and culture of so oldest problems.In short,ending of history is broader integrative-revolution,whicn connected with global prospective vision.These are not related to age-old history and culture.

4,(Military chapter)

Obviously speaking.national core benefits in the national defense sphere recline against primarily in meeting and defeating political.,ilitary,and economic aggression.Simply put,the safeguarding of security in the core benefits needs national,social,and peoples' common effoers,and will be concentrated on nation's systematic military organizational development
National core benefits are not related to age-old of history and culture,because of it would be massive to the modern nation.
So,as ending of history must be changed in the direction of development,or,which take cooperative partners of balanced forces,and effective operate nation's economic power and potential to ensure an appropriate of national rapidly response ability to threats to the national core benefits.
These are not related to age-old of history and culture.
In fundamentally,and long-term,the main objectives on national core benefits are to identify with its historical track,and establishes nation's ploitical,military,and economic,diplomatic of strategies,policies and war-fighting missions for the future,so on,and than,though,execution and achievement of the ending of history.
National core benefits in the military sphere are determined by the efforts of nation and society ,at the same time,promised by national constitution rights,and peoples' independencce and freedom,in which,in order to the propagandization of the ending of history is to protect national spiritual values.
Ending of history is tactic point,and not related to the age-old of history and culture,and simply put,national military humanities philosophy,ethic,morality,with the standards will be intensified by national science-technology for the current and future.
Nation must execute Ending of history activity,because of it will be historical mission,and will enable nation to become core benefits of development in the 21st century.
At the same time,we cannot allow historical-cultural violent extremism and terrorism to manipulate national,social,and people's consciousnesses for the future.So,as ending of history is to protcet,particularly,important nation's political,military,economic,especially,national scientific-technical.
Ending of history is a necessary condition of the achievement of national core benefits are to resolve nation's political,military,and economic missions ndependent and stable,especially,national abilities.
These are not related to age-old and stupid of history and culture.


( 時事評論政治 )
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