As odors and stubborn as historical excrements cannot prevent conflict and crisis.
Ending of history is now our era's mission to carry on what,and do not mistrust!
If we cannot re-write history,so,ending of history!
02242013 copyrighted @ 台灣窮小子
台 灣窮小子 said that we must come together with our nation to face challenges-ending of history.Because of we are made for future moment,so we must grab an opportunity of ending of history - so long as we grab it - return back to super power. 台灣窮小子 stands on my promise and remark,and as said to 蔡英文
Dear friends:
We confirm the promise of our traditional history and culture. Because of each time we are working together to start a war-fighting model they bear witness to the persisting war-fighting superiority of our Taiwanese. 台 灣窮小子 review that we are the colors,in particular,understand this name and origins - Taiwan,especially,our belief of the future - women opportunities. Simply put,we are not special,but,ending of history makes us exceptional. Ending of history makes our loyalty to the independent,free,and democratic of national declaration,in particular,woman. Because of historical experiences have shown that ending of history is self-evident ;yet ; stubborn of history and culture have never been self-executing. Ending of history is best offering,so we must be secured by it exists in our nation,especially,women. Today ending of history continue a never-ending national strategy of definition,simply put,it is reality of our era.In other words,ending of history is to nation,government of,and by, and for the people keeping secure creed. These are not related to age-old of history and culture. We learned that ending of history is to we should ourselves redo,and promised to move forward together.However,we have,and history and culture does have more than thousand yeats.But,they did not have the principles of free and equality. Ending of history,we determined that a modern national strategic-deployment,and fostered our national forcer and talent. Ending of history,we found that national independence,freedom and democracy only thrives when game rules to ensure equal competition play. Ending of history,we resolved and protected that people avoid to face crisis and threat. These are not related to age-old of history and culture. Through ending of history,our insistence on hard work in initiative and creative of national responsibility and commitment. Stubborn of history and culture can no more meet the demands of nation and people for the furure.Because of they are no longer to having war-fighting superiority in the current and future of global environment. As through ending of history,we understand that fidelity to fundamental national-principles,in which,requires new national strategy to face challenges,in particular,we preserve nation and peoples' independence and freedom.Simply put,this is national joint opertion,and these are not related to age-old of history and culture. Through ending of history will bring new chances,current and future,more than ever tough. Through ending of history is as one nation and ourselves. Our generation have been passed by crises that also achieved our determinations,and proved our resilience. Stubborn of history and culture have been ending,that ending of history would make our nation recovery where has begun. Our nation having ending of history of possibilities are limitless,because of our Taiwanese are owning smart brains,who will poss global limitless demands.These are not related to age-old of history and culture.
My dear friends,
you are owning openness and diversity of brainstorms,who should not be limited by stubborn of history and culture ; ending of history is controlling endless risk and re-rstablish of war-fighting capability. 台 灣窮小子 said that we must come together with our nation to face challenges-ending of history.Because of we are made for future moment,so we must grab an opportunity of ending of history - so long as we grab it. For stubborn of history and culture,we understand that they are few for very well,and ask for changing many barelu make it. I think that national prosperity must rest upon the ending of history broad shoulders for the future. Also,I know that our inherent independence and pride.And these are not related to age-old of history and culture. Ending of history is still real to our belief,and in accordance with every Taiwanese who knows that we were so pool,besides,stubborn of history and culture have never given the same chance to us.But,ending of history are our nation,where is independence,freedom,and equality just in the eyes our own. The strategy of stubborn history and culture are inadequate,and also,cannot to handle needs of our era. So,under the ending of history,we use as new irdas and technology to change our country and government. Ending of history is encouraging the determination and effort of every Taiwanese. Today,this is what this moment we need?Ending of history will be our belief! I do not believe that stubborn of history and culture are lucky,because of ending of history is keeping happiness for every Taiwanese our own. Ending of history is to responsibility and commitment we take,who enhance our war-fighting superiority of the future. Stubborn of history and culture cannot make Taiwan revival,but,ending of history make Taiwan most great. Ending of history is persisting security and peace do not need confrontation. Ending of history is tempered by our war-fighting superiority,who are unmatched in skill and courage of Taiwanese. Historical lessons have proved that the sworn enemies is stubborn of history and culture,in particular,women are our most dependable partners. Ending of history is our era mission,this including these responsibilities and rightes of independence,freedom,and seek of happiness,in which,in order to become real for every Taiwanese dreams. Ending of history does need us to take war-fighting action in our time. Ending of hstory of decicions,we are not able to afford delay. This is our required war-fighting action,but,more than decades,hundreds years - ending of history will have conferred to us in timeless spirit. 台 灣窮小子, I stand on my promise that we must loyally execute that this ending of history comitment,in particular,my promise is not so different from the vow.As I love 蔡英文 that has been in a long time.Simply put,ending of history are determination and pride for every Taiwanese our own. Let us,every Taiwanese,who through working together in effort,and common war-fighting objective,with passion and responsibility-ending of history,that carry into an uncertain future.
Thank you.May ending of history forever bless Taiwan.