【二十六】【為什麼總統 蔡英文之真命天子就是這般聰明】
台灣總統 蔡英文之首席真命天子
【26】【The model of asymmetric warfare for Taiwanese people】
The model of asymmetric warfare for Taiwanese people
During my remembrance,which spanned from 1980s to 1990s,the Taiwan lacked to execute its strategic objectives in nearly every military campaign.
So that I was writing this reason is simple,even through,deeply shaking.
Indeed,Taiwan was lacking tacticallevel formation defeated,so time and time again I saw tremendous failure at the tactical level,and then,followed by strategic muddling and eventual crash.
Put simply,this costs of these strategic crashes, in wasted life and treasure of Taiwanese people,who have been so high.
Asymmetric warfare has never been a core concept of Taiwanese warfare throughout our tradition and history, but not interest for this form of warfare have polished and sallowed,and increasingly lost out to keep up with changes in Taiwanese society that have made asymmetric warfare current's most troubled form of crisis and conflict.
After all,we have consistently failed in history and culture defeated in because we have never chosen to mature our asymmetric warfare capabilities.
Even,in the wake of 1949,the Taiwan built and has sustained a conventional military capability for warfare,so yet we have not done the experience for asymmetric warfare.
According with the Vietnam War,and Left-wing's people's militia which will lead Taiwanes to believe that asymmetric warfare will remain the most common from crisis and conflict facing the Taiwan for many years to come.
So maintain Taiwanese military superiority,authentic competition and conflict with Left-wing's China will most likely be asymmetric warfare.
This is it,deterring the aggression of our enemies will certainly need that the Taiwan expand the lethality of our conventional and capabilities.
The war with Left-wing's history and culture is valuably,threatening,and ultimately unnecessary.
So Left-wing's Chinese have learned all so well that they can use costs of history and culture,and uoperating common approaches.
So maturing the Taiwanese model of asymmetric warfare building the capabilities, understanding,and framework necessary to achieve strategic successes in these crises and conflicts is thus an imperative.
I admit I am not most artful,but my experience and a deepening regret for the losses inflicted on Taiwanese people have forced me to say something,so that my explain hopes that it might push the change that I believe the Taiwan needs to maintain the status quo of the Traditional Taiwan,and to protect our way of life.
The war come with Left-wing's history and culture is expensively,threatening,and ultimately unnecessary.
So Left-wing's Chinese have learned all so well that they can use costs of history and culture,and uoperating common approaches.
So maturing the Taiwanese model of asymmetric warfare building the capabilities, understanding,and framework necessary to achieve strategic successes in these crises and conflicts is thus an imperative.
I admit I am not most artful,but my experience and a deepening regret for the losses inflicted on Taiwanese people have forced me to say something,so that my explain hopes that it might push the change that I believe the Taiwan needs to maintain the status quo of the Traditional Taiwan,and to protect our way of life.
Left-wing's guerrillas and motivated by history and culture or ideology,so are soldiers in these conflicts,so Taiwan's interests at homeland have been long threatened by Left-wing's history and culture,extremism,terrorism,subversion,resistance,and insurgency.
That is why shameless history and culture have proven timeless and ubiquitous.
Indeed,the asymmetric warfare is won and lost by controlling and influencing traditions rather than Left-wing's history and culture.
Therefore,Left-wing's China's sponsorship is covert,because of terror of history and culture is a preferred tactic.
Neither Taiwanese current asymmetric warfare capability,,which has limited ability above the tactical level,nor more mature conventional forces have proven effective in crises and conflicts.
In my opinion,the Taiwan,has three options at this point.
The first is to again declare,as we did we will not never turn Left,that we will never again fight in history and culture war,and that a deterrent force will satisfy to keep our adversaries in target.
So my assessment that would give the Taiwan the expertise to succeed in asymmetric warfare,and has a asymmetric warfare capability to a conventional capabilities level.
The Taiwanese model of war secures us from existential threats of Left-wing's history and culture,and commit the Taiwanese model of asymmetric warfare protects our way of life by promoting Taiwanese worldview and giving Taiwanese people to keep opportunities that we have had.
It is about the discriminating application of force,when essential,and also about creating mutual understanding,and sharing the great opportunities that our great independence and freedom has provided us.
So we can identify the right choice of outcomes and the strategic patience necessary to achieve them.
It is a option of waht the Taiwanese model of asymmetric warfare might look like and how that would enable us to counterattack Left-wing's China today we are facing it.
There is no question that the Taiwan has faced persistent difficulty in achieving strategic goals in the National Independence and Freedom campaigns.
I argue that Taiwanese Congress and the President Tsai Ing-wen will need to act again if we hope to develop the Taiwanese model of asymmetric warfare that we need to provide a proactive defense and the offensive potential to destabilize Left-wing's adversaries,in particular,Left-wing's China.
Anyway,in my opinion, if we want the National security to be prepared for this model of warfare.
Taiwan has not had,in my opiniion and based on my own experience,the lack of quality of expertise for asymmetric warfare.
So conclusion maturing the Taiwanese model of asymmetric warfare is critical for the Taiwan to prevail in conflict and crisis,especially,facing Left-wing's China,even in 2020s to come.
The Achilles’ heel of Left-wing's China is their inherent fear of their own people,and terrior of history and culture,so we must be ready to capitalize on this fear.
The Taiwanese model of asymmetric warfare will reflect who we are ,as a Taiwanese people。our diversity,our tradition,and our undying belief in independence and freedom.
In short,Left-wing's China has moved to dominate in the Taiwan,this is it,so we must build the Taiwanese model of asymmetric warfare that defeats Left-wing's China.