【15】【Absolutely,yes,Taiwan's president Tsai Ing-wen is not seeking Left-wing's Independence.】 Absolutely,yes,Taiwan's president Tsai Ing-wen is not seeking Left-wing's Independence. Left-wing's idiots attack Tsai Ing-wen independence by exposing faults,and it is overt plot,and just fake. Most of the global spotlight focus on Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen responses to Chinese Virus pandemic,but interestingly,Left-wing's idiots have shown the Democratic Progressive Party’s political platform as Left-wing's Taiwanese Independence. So it is a wrong. It is a fake news that falsely represents Taiwan and its president a war hysteria,so that say on the situation realistically,that we must challenge with Left-wing's history and culture,and left behind Left-wing's idiots. Indeed,and according with Taiwanese history,and politics,we support for what is known in as the maintaining the status quo along relations with the United States and the Japan,rather than with Left-wing's CCP and the China. So referring to Taiwan is an accomplished fact as independent country that lacks legal protection of statehood. For some reason,Taiwanese DPP has never position on independence,or that said,it considers Taiwan to be turning Left-wing,and the DPP advocates for Left-wing,meaning it does not seek any sort of change to Taiwan’s status. According to history of 1989,the DPP did propose a platform seeking formal independence,as former president Chen Shui-Bian,who was joined "New Country movement",but the DPP re-wrote within its own charter since 1999. Indeed,the DPP has acknowledged the name “Republic of China” as Taiwan’s official name and governing system,unless,“Republic of China” has given up officially the Taiwan. Interestingly,Taiwanese Leftists who do wish the DPP advocated for direct form of Taiwanese Independence. But being Tsai Ing-wen's maintaining the status quo,and she was right - who pushes for more global rights through maintaining the traditional status quo to Taiwan. For instance,Taiwanese Leftists who call for changing the National constitution as a Taiwanguo,or they argue that Taiwan will not be independent country because of the ROC,this is it,Taiwanese Leftists camp on one side of ghost of history and culture. For instance,Tsai Ing-wen,she repeatedly emphasized that she was running for president of the Republic of China,and with the specification that this refers to Taiwan. In fact,she does so she says in Mandarin it is an independent country as the Taiwan,not sisimplified Chinese language,so this is it,she wanted to this distinction which meaning to Taiwan is Taiwan,not Left-wing's China. Indeed,from a National Strategy perspective,the DPP has also not offerd any strategy that change Taiwan’s status. In other words,Tsai Ing-wen's "Maintaining the Status Quo" helps raise Taiwan’s current existence,not change it. Interestingly,Taiwanese Left-wing's idiots have always disregard her,under a woman,and there in none of directly or indirectly seeks to change Taiwan’s status. However,most of Taiwanese people want a eventual goal of formal independence,but we must respect the United States,so that we must be maintaining the status quo of the Traditional Taiwan at first. Yet,Left-wing's history and culture gap speeds up among independence supporters who could not be toleratingthe maintaining the status quo of the Traditional Taiwan,and "One Party,One Country" of the ROC’s activists,so that is why may take a more hardline position on the issue. Unfortunately,by contrast the KMT,whuch draws a gourd from the model - pushes for a status quo,a pro-China status quo,so Taiwanese people is not tolerated with the goal of eventually letting Taiwan closer to China in some form. Such as,former President Ma Ying-jeou,he used the term of history and culture aimed at eroding the Taiwan through localization. In other words,for Taiwanese Independence supporters,they do not want the relations with Left-wing's China,even the R.O.C. Such as the 2014 Sunflower Movement,Left-wing's history and culture is far more pro-independence. According with the Global history,it is matter not actually advocating for Taiwanese independence? Left-wing's independence puts a fake framework around the Taiwan,and that makes will inevitably a civil war. So Tsai Ing-wen,she is pro-status-quo,without actually saying Taiwan is not China — it is just the ROC,not Left-wing's CCP. No one does want to provoke Left-wing's history and culture,with idiots any more than Taiwanese people have to do so. Such as,we push for the Traditional Taiwan and more aggressive normalization of Taiwan as a country than Left-wing's independence does.