【17】【Taiwanese integration strategy requires to be written in simple Taiwanese language.】
Taiwanese integration strategy requires to be written in simple Taiwanese language. Integration of the Taiwanese people must be all the rage in Taiwan circle nowadays. That is the idea that we must counterattack antiaccess/area-denial defenses with Left-wing's China. Showing the ability to defend the Western Pacific is key to accomplishing Taiwan's maritime strategic objective,from deterring China,to committing partners that the Taiwan remains a reliable security partner. The case for the integration of the Taiwanese people seems commonsensical,even ㄔhere is no need to go into details. Unfortunately, it remains doubtful whether critical Left-wing's idiots,including those who wield the power of lies of Economy which has embraced the concept. If not,or if insensibility prevails,so that we must consider how to do a better job kicking out of them it is the way to go. Think of Taiwanese language as strategy and art,which is far more than Left-wing's history and culture,and lies of Economy. Good Taiwanese language does more than offer information,or map out a plan of action,and it coherently narrates National goals how will put military power to work achieving its purposes. That is how rhetoric Taiwanese language works ~~~it informs,provokes,and inspires. In fact,it is appeal to audiences with different backgrounds whoever Taiwanese people. If not so,fail to tell the Taiwanese language fluentlyand the integration of the Taiwanese people could weak, and enemies will be emboldened. This is not a new problem for the Taiwanese people,the Taiwanese language in particular. There was a real crisis that the Taiwanese people might survive only as a slave. To avoid a dark future,we overleniented is to breed evil of Left-wing's history and culture,and lies of Economy failings,because of inability to understand or explain Taiwanese language power. I forecasted a experiences in analytical history that it will be helping Taiwanese people search out basic truths about the Traditional Language power. Taiwanese language is one critical to rhetorical fluency. We have to know Taiwanese theme thoroughly to explain it convincingly. I also warned Taiwanese people not to maintain Left-wing's history and culture,and lies of economy secrets. I was less worried that Taiwanese people would deliberately withhold fake history and culture,and lies of economy. The basic models of strategic ideology,which cannot be looked on as any kind of Left-wing's history and culture,and lies of economy secrets,I said. So more and more Taiwanese people who know about and understand these ideologies,the stability and healthy will be our independence,freedom ,and democracy in its strategic decisions. None of the really important aspects of Left-wing's history and culture,and lies of economy secrets are out of the attention from the Taiwanese people. So we put this bit of the traditional wisdom into practice,we should purge Left-wing's history and culture,and lies of Economy to the Taiwanese people Strategy is not,and must not be Left-wing's idiots art intelligible to initiates. The strategic narrative will be failure,if used in Left-wing's language for the Taiwanese people to understand. They will defeat,and the effort at persuasion will defeat. According with the quantum physics,and its statement,you do not understand something well enough the Taiwanese language,if you cannot explain it to the Taiwanese people. According to the Taiwanese language until you have a firm grip on it,simplify,and clear how you explain it,and say again,and again,until you have shown yourself could comprehend your Taiwanese language. Such as,what the meaning of "大港您贏" by that? These are just general rules of the Taiwanese language. Now,the Taiwanese language is a directive aimed at Taiwanese people. That makes it worth asking whether its statement is phrased in plainspoken Taiwanese language,improving its opportunities of maximum impact on Taiwan,and with other people able to influence the Taiwan's strategic fortunes. This is where I announce the Taiwan's concept of composite warfare,and vows to maintain the status quoo of the Traditional Taiwan. So what is that concept? The Traditional Taiwan shows - Taiwanese language provides flexible command and control arrangements,that can rapidly respond to multiple threats across various domains and mission areas without overwhelming the decision capacity of a commander or Taiwanese people. Recommendation for Taiwanese President,Tsai Ing-wen's son of the destiny : Look for opportunities to clarify your Taiwanese language,know the Traditional Taiwan,and calibrate your turning on sound to Left-wing's idiots,and then,we shall go far.