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2013/01/24 13:29:23瀏覽118|回應0|推薦13 | |
轉載自〈聲音教育計畫〉 http://voiceseducation.org/content/william-marr-chinese-american
William Marr (Chinese-American)
William Marr was born in 1936 and educated in Taiwan. He came to the United States in 1961 and received his master's degree in mechanical engineering from Marquette University in 1963 and his PhD degree in nuclear engineering from the University of Wisconsin in 1969. After twenty seven years with Argonne National Laboratory, he retired from his engineering profession in 1996 to devote his full time and energy to his true passion -- art and poetry. Dr. Marr has published more than one hundred technical articles, ranging from nuclear reactor safety to electric hybrid vehicle development. He has also published in Taiwan, Mainland China, and Hong Kong, thirteen volumes of poetry and one book of essays, all written in his native Chinese language under the pen name Fei Ma, and several books of translations of contemporary American and European poetry. His first book of poems in English, Autumn Window, published by Arbor Hill Press in 1995 (with second edition in 1996) was greeted with critical acclaim and he was hailed as one of the collectible Chicago poets. His poems appear in over one hundred anthologies -- including 300 Best New Poems 1917- 1995, published in Taiwan, and 300 Best Chinese New Poems, published in Mainland China -- and are included in high school and college textbooks of Chinese Literature in Taiwan and Mainland China. Some of his poems have been translated into other languages, including Japanese, Korean, Malaysian, Hebrew, Spanish, German, Slavic and Romanian. He has also edited and published several anthologies of Chinese and Taiwanese modern poetry. Considered one of the world's best contemporary poets writing in Chinese, Dr. Marr's poetry has enjoyed wide readership in Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Mainland China, and North America. He has received numerous awards, including three from Taiwan for his poetry and translations. He has served in the capacity of editorial advisor and poetry contest judge to several prominent Chinese poetry journals and online poetry forums on the Internet.
Nobody understands
戰爭的數字 雙方都宣稱 誰也搞不清
The cloudy sky, turned away The final war has ended
有台上睥睨的墨鏡 便有台下陰天的臉
最後的戰爭已經結束 現在我們齊步邁向最初
Message of Spring
The last flock of bombers have sown their seeds
不合季節的春天 有人在沿街叫賣和平
最後一批B-52撒完種走了 冰封的希望開始萌芽
stare at see who's
槍眼 與 鳥眼
冷冷 對視
看誰 更能 保持 現狀
Heaven and Earth
In order to shoot
為了射殺 一只入犯的 小鳥 他們用探照燈 在天上 劃定領空
為了射殺 一個逃亡的 同胞 他們用鐵絲網 在地上 圍建樂園
( 創作|詩詞 ) |