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2016/04/28 20:54:03瀏覽998|回應0|推薦0

[夏肇毅知識運算網 Mark Hsia's Knowledge Computing Web]



How To Create a New Module on the Odoo

如果我們要在Odoo上新增一個模組, 我們可以用以下命令來產生骨架:

If we are trying to build a new module of the Odoo, we should type the command like:

python odoo.py scaffold Academy openerp/my-modules

This command generates the Odoo module scaffold named Academy to the directory openerp/my-modules. But when we try to install this new Academy module under the Setting page, we cannot find an Academy module for us to install.

為了找到這新增模組, 我們必須在Modules用"Update Module List"選項.
In order to find this new module, we need to use the "Update Module List" option.

如果我們也找不到"Update Module List",那我們就要到使用者內選取"Technical Features" 選項.
If we can't find the option "Update Module List" either, we need to enable the "Technical Features" checkbox in our current user's settings.

Need to do some steps:

First, select side menu Users-Users  and click the Administration user. Then we can see the form view of the User/Administrator. Click the "Technical Features" checkbox and save the settings.

Then, select side menu of Modules-"Update Module List", and click the Update button.

Finally,  select side menu Modules-Local Modules,remove all filters and sort the module list. We will see the Academy module in the first position.
Going to http://localhost:8069/academy/academy/  will see the new module.
如果我們新增或修改樣板程式, 我們必須操作Upgrade.

If we've added some  templates or have modified codes of the module Academy , we will need to upgrade the module again.
We should restart Odoo and update the module's data (to install the template) by going to Settings-Modules-Local Modules-Academy and clicking the Upgrade button.
Going to http://localhost:8069/academy/academy/  should show new updated results.


Building a Website — odoo 8.0 documentation

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