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6-word science fiction, Issue 14.11-Nov. 2006 WIRED
2009/12/30 14:36:24瀏覽947|回應0|推薦1

PS 號外:國外 10-Word Short Story Contest
 蟀  帥 哥 裁 判 writer  讀 冊 的 男 人  最 蟀 ...

Sep. 30, 2009 截止, 又繼續貼的 Margot on Dec. 13, 2009 at 11:02 am
She was my best friend until she stole my husband. ( 目前所見最後回應 )
她是我摯友 直到偷我夫 .... ( 哈哈哈哈, 這廝《 十字小說 》寫得如何 ? )


引用 Very Short Stories Issue 14.11 - November 2006 WIRED 
( udn-playground jet-lagged?? 聯副文學遊藝 6 冰場 有 3 years "時差" ??)

              Bon Voyage!  

We'll be brief: Hemingway once wrote a story in just six words ("For sale: baby shoes, never worn.") and is said to have called it his best work.

長話短說: 海明威曾經以六字寫小說( 參見前文 )而且被大夥( 恭維? )稱道~ 它( 這 6 字 )是他的最佳作品. ( 以下中譯 盡量設法維持 六字 魔咒法力 )

Failed SAT. Lost scholarship. Invented rocket.    落第  不學無術  發明火箭
- William Shatner

Computer, did we bring batteries? Computer?   
                                                  電腦, 我們攜帶電池? 電腦? ( 2電腦對話 )
- Eileen Gunn

Vacuum collision. Orbits diverge. Farewell, love. 
                                                                   真空潰決 軌道偏離 再見吾愛
- David Brin

Gown removed carelessly. Head, less so.    長袍不小心被脫去  頭顱  亦然
- Joss Whedon

Automobile warranty expires. So does engine.  汽車 保單 屆期 引擎 亦然
- Stan Lee

Machine. Unexpectedly, I'd invented a time     
                                                    ( a time 不知是否 a time machine ? )
- Alan Moore

Longed for him. Got him. Shit.           渴望( 他 ) 得到( 他  是 ) 狗屎
- Margaret Atwood

His penis snapped off; he's pregnant!        ( 他的 )陰莖斷離  ( 他正 )懷孕
- Rudy Rucker

From torched skyscrapers, men grew wings.   
                                                            從被縱火摩天樓中  人類長出翅膀
- Gregory Maguire

Internet “wakes up?” Ridicu - no carrier.     ( carrier 是搬運人送信人?  )

- Charles Stross

With bloody hands, I say good-bye.          ( 以)血腥手  ( 我 )說再見
- Frank Miller

Wasted day. Wasted life. Dessert, please.     浪費日子 浪費生命 請上甜點 
- Steven Meretzky

“Cellar?” “Gate to, uh … hell, actually.”        地窖? ( 真能 )通往地獄 
- Ronald D. Moore

Epitaph: Foolish humans, never escaped Earth.  
                                                                墓志銘: 愚蠢人類 從未逃脫地球
- Vernor Vinge

It cost too much, staying human.          ( 它 )太貴( 了 )  堅持人性       
- Bruce Sterling

We kissed. She melted. Mop please!    ( 我們 )相吻  ( 她 )溶化  ( 請 )抹地
- James Patrick Kelly

It's behind you! Hurry before it                    落後你 快超前
- Rockne S. O’Bannon

I'm your future, child. Don't cry.       孩子, 我是你的未來( 未來的你? )別哭
- Stephen Baxter

1940: Young Hitler! Such a cantor!   1940: 年輕希特勒! (唱詩班的)領唱者
- Michael Moorcock

Lie detector eyeglasses perfected: Civilization collapses.   
                                                                   謊話偵測眼鏡完工: 文明瓦解
- Richard Powers

I'm dead. I've missed you. Kiss … ?          已死 ( 我好 )想你 而吻 ? 
- Neil Gaiman

The baby's blood type? Human, mostly.        嬰兒血型? H ( 人 ) 型, 大半
- Orson Scott Card

Kirby had never eaten toes before.
- Kevin Smith

Kirby from Super Star Ultra.png Kirby(カービィ)Nintendo's Kirby video game series

Rained, rained, rained, and never stopped.      雨 雨 雨 從未停
- Howard Waldrop

To save humankind he died again.            他又死  去救人( 類 )
- Ben Bova

We went solar; sun went nova.             我們變陽光  太陽變新星
- Ken MacLeod

Husband, transgenic mistress; wife: “You cow!” 
                                              丈夫, 基因改造情婦; 妻: "妳( 這隻 )母牛 ! "
- Paul Di Filippo

“I couldn't believe she'd shoot me.”     " 我難以置信 她開槍射我 "
- Howard Chaykin

Don't marry her. Buy a house.                    勿( 與她 )結婚  買屋去
- Stephen R. Donaldson

Broken heart, 45, WLTM disabled man.          心碎  45( 歲 )  ????  廢男
- Mark Millar

TIME MACHINE REACHES FUTURE!!! … nobody there …  
                                                               時光機抵未來 … 那兒無人 …
- Harry Harrison

Tick tock tick tock tick tick.                    滴 答 滴 答 滴 答
- Neal Stephenson

Easy. Just touch the match to             ( 還不 ) 簡單  感動  對手
- Ursula K. Le Guin

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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