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I don't care!!!
2008/12/09 16:14:50瀏覽411|回應0|推薦17

I have always be self conscious about how I write my blog. I don’t want to be show off by express myself in English, but a lot of time my Mandarin is so bad that I barely express my feeling. It really bother me that I could don’t do what I wanted.

Therefore, I decided. Why should I write for everyone else but myself? Isn’t this my blog? Then why should I care what other people think or read or think about what I write.

Of course, I am not saying I am not going to write in Mandarin anymore. I will, but only when I want to and not for anyone else, but for me.

What is the point to write a blog to make everyone else happy except me?

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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